The 86th annual PMA International Convention and Trade Show heads to Southern California, USA, where sun, surf, glamour, and entertainment reign supreme. But more important for you, PMA 2010 represents the most advantageous opportunities in innovative products and services as well as progressive sales and marketing methods to make your business even more prosperous. Connect with key industry leaders and colleagues for the ultimate information exchange, and become energized when you discover unlimited opportunities to grow your business and make it more profitable; upon returning home, success is imminent once you share these ideas with employees and coworkers.
The centerpiece is the PMA high-caliber education – with approximately 150 educational sessions presented by 300 speakers. PMA education is distinguished by an incredible amount of choices – to the point you would benefit by bringing multiple members of your staff to the convention. The All Conference Connection Pass allows attendees to attend any sessions in the DIMA, PSPA, SPAA, and PPFA conferences. And let’s not forget the social element – the numerous refreshment breaks, lunches, and receptions, where relationship-building amongst attendees comes easy and often.
On behalf of PMA, I invite you to make plans to join us for PMA 2010 in Southern California. We look forward to participating in your experience of “CONNECT. ENERGIZE. SUCCEED.”
Rainer Th. Schorcht, PMA President
All the conferences:
PMA 2010 International Convention
February 21-23, 2010
Why You Can't Miss PMA 2010
* Energize your business with new ideas
* Spark strategic partnerships
* Explore niche markets
* Thrive with techniques for proven profits
What's New?
* Pro Photographer Boot Camp
* DIMA Brand Boot Camp
* Pro Photographer Hot Picks
* Photo Application Pavilion
Digital Imaging Marketing Association
February 19-22, 2010
Why You Can't Miss DIMA 2010
* Energize your business with new ideas
* Excite customers with innovative products
* Spark strategic partnerships
* Thrive with techniques for proven profits
What's New for 2010?
* DIMA Brand Boot Camp
Take a Closer Look
This year's program includes looks in-depth at:
* Photo Publishing
* Retail Imaging
* Commercial Imaging
* What's Next
* Hands-On Computer Labs
PSPA Annual Conference
February 19 – 22, 2010
Why You Can’t Miss PSPA 2010!
• Understand what motivates your customer to buy.
• Learn school photography trends that could impact your future.
• Discover new products and services and new ways to increase profitability.
• Be more efficient in your business and identify new ways to reduce your costs.
• Networking opportunities to discover new ideas to better service your customer.
What’s New This Year?
School Portraits by Kranz: Facility Tour
For more than 30 years, School Portraits by Kranz has been serving Southern California with outstanding quality and service. Owner Gary Kranz says it is the only locally owned and operated full-service photography studio with an on-site processing lab in California. Learn about effective workflows and business operations from one of the most successful school photography companies in the industry.
For PSPA members only: $49. Includes transportation. Limited availability. Transportation information will be sent upon registration.
PSPA/SPAA Lab and Supplier Reception – We took a good thing and made it better! What used to be a onehour luncheon, is now a 2 hour cocktail reception! This your chance to meet one-on-one with photography product vendors and professional labs.
Pro Photographer Hot Picks - Finding the new products at PMA 2010 can be a big task. Let our experts tell you what they think will be the hot sellers this year.
A chance to win a PC laptop and Adobe Photoshop CS4, at the PG2 General Session: Secondary School Administrator Panel held on Monday, February 22.
SPAA Annual Conference
February 19 – 22, 2010
Why You Can’t Miss SPAA 2010!
* Differentiate yourself with improved photography skills
* Excite customers with innovative products
* Energize your business with new ideas
* Improve output with hands-on techniques
What’s New This Year?
* SPAA Ultimate “Field Trip”: Lights ... Camera ... Watch and Learn - Spend the afternoon at a photo shoot of three San Clemente high school baseball teams.
* SPAA/PSPA Lab and Supplier Reception – We took a good thing and made it better! What used to be an hour-long luncheon, is now a two- hour cocktail reception! This is your chance to meet one-on-one with photography product vendors and professional labs.
* Pro Photographer Hot Picks - Finding the new products at PMA 2010 can be a big task. Our experts will tell you what they think the hot sellers are this year.
PPFA 2010: Where Education and Innovation Inspire
February 21-23, 2010
What’s In It For You?
• Innovations in preservation framing techniques – find new services and capture niche markets
• Marketing ideas to attract new customers
• Learn to run a better business and boost your bottom line
• International Framing Competition – Take away inspiring design ideas and new techniques
• Certification – gain professional designation to stand above competitors
Take a Closer Look
Dynamic sessions will provide the knowledge and technical innovations you need for success!
• Framing Animation Cels
• Face Mounting Paper and Photos
• Fabric Wrapping hands-on workshops
• Shadow Boxes & Object Framing
• Sink Mounts for Glazed and Unglazed Art
• Installing on Difficult Surfaces
• Barrier Materials in Preservation Framing
• Striplining and Stretching Canvas
• Overlay Direct Contact Mounting
Pro Photographer
Why Professional Photographers Can’t Miss PMA 2010!
• Differentiate yourself with improved photography skills
• Excite customers with innovative products
• Energize your business with new ideas
• Improve output with hands-on techniques
What’s New This Year?
• Pro Photographer Business Boot Camp - A one-day intensive business camp designed for new photographers.
• DIMA Brand Boot Camp - Building your brand for a solid business.
• Hands-on Computer Labs - nearly 24 hours in 9 courses, led by Adobe experts.
• Pro Photographer Hot Picks - Finding the new products at PMA 2010 can be a big task. Our experts will tell you their thoughts on the hot sellers next year.
• Lab and Supplier Reception, brought to you by PSPA and SPAA – a 2 hour cocktail reception and a chance to meet one-on-one with photography product vendors and labs.
• SPAA Ultimate “Field Trip”: Lights ... Camera ... Watch and Learn - Spend the afternoon at a photo shoot of three San Clemente high school baseball teams.
Pro Photographer Business Boot Camp
What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the phrase “boot camp”? Pain? Discomfort? Effort? Intensity? Trust us, we thought the same thing.
Make no mistake: This Pro Photographer Business Boot Camp will be full, intense, fast-paced, and does require an open mind; but we think you’ll agree – when you walk out with the tools and information – it was one of the most productive and beneficial days in which you’ve ever invested. Aren’t you and your business worth that, at the very least?
This comprehensive, daylong boot camp is designed to give newer professional photographers a fundamental understanding of four key elements central to business success: marketing, management, techniques, and technology. We’ll provide the tools and strategies to:
• Build an ethically and legally sound business.
• Attract and retain new customers.
• Differentiate your business through improved photography skills and unique product offerings.
Ideal for photographers with less than two years of professional experience, specializing in all genres – especially portraits, weddings, sports, and events.
Saturday, February 20 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.
PBC1 Management
Business Practices 101: How to Stay Out of Trouble
Even the most talented photographer has a slim chance of survival without a solid base of business practices. Experienced entrepreneur John C. Pittman outlines some practices that keep his photography business growing, including adopting a code of ethics, simple business record keeping, the necessity of having an employee handbook regardless of the number of employees, and more.
Speaker: John C. Pittman, Sports Stars Inc.
10:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
PBC2 Techniques
Posing and Lighting Basics
The goal of every photographer is to put the client’s best face forward, and the proper use of lighting and posing can make or break a job. We’ll present the basics of indoor and outdoor lighting, as well as posing tips and techniques for various situations.
Speaker: Bambi Cantrell, Cantrell Portrait Design Inc.
Sponsored by Meadowbrook
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
PBCL Marketing Luncheon: Singles Bar Lessons for Your Photography Business
If you’ve worked in the photography industry for any amount of time, you know the most recent years have been the hardest. (It’s not you; it’s the recession!) Despite feelings of desperation and uncertainty, photographers need not act like the lonely guy in the singles bar who, instead of meeting someone interesting, ends up sitting alone. Take action now to reduce or avoid negative feelings. Tony Blei will show how, during slow times, to posture yourself to be ready for new challenges when the economy improves.
Speaker: Tony Blei, Tony Blei Photography
Sponsored by Meadowbrook
1:00 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.
PBC3 Management
Photographer’s Legal Guide
Attorney Carolyn E. Wright, aka the “Photo Attorney,” discusses legal and business issues affecting photographers, including copyrights, restrictions on photography, contracts, insurance, taxes, licenses, and more. Wright’s presentation is adapted from her book, the “Photographer’s Legal Guide,” and her blog at www.photoattorney.com. Time is allotted for questions and answers.
Speaker: Carolyn E. Wright, The Law Office of Carolyn E. Wright LLC and PhotoAttorney.com
Sponsored by Meadowbrook
2:30 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.
PBC4 Marketing
How I Changed My Website to Grow My Photography Business
Improve your website and convert visitors into paying clients? Yes! It’s possible, and it’s been done! Kim Larson has tips and tricks to position your website higher in search engine results; the scoop behind the power of social networking tools, such as blogs and Facebook; ideas on how to handle email inquiries from potential clients; and more!
Speaker: Kim Larson, Life Is Art
Sponsored by Meadowbrook
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PBC5 Technology
Developing New Product Lines
Panel participants, representing professional labs from around the country, outline the latest in unique photo products to use to differentiate yourself from the competition. See samples and learn how successful photographers are putting a personal spin on products to create promotional opportunities.
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
PR2 PSPA/SPAA Lab and Supplier Reception
Discover the newest technology and hidden gems from photography product vendors, meet with lab owners to learn more about their output services, and relax with peers at this two-hour reception.
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
PMA Welcome Reception
A time to celebrate surviving boot camp! Congratulate yourself and your boot camp peers on a successful day, and don’t be surprised if you get caught up in the excitement and anticipation about the opening of PMA 2010! Admission and two complimentary beverage tickets are included with full trade show registration or an All Conference Connection Pass.
AIE Output Summit at PMA 2010
February 21, 2010 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Sponsored by:
The AIE will take an in-depth look at the future of photographic output, and the implications for imaging professionals. Leading digital printing companies will share their vision of the current market, changing behavioral patterns of customers, what new markets are emerging, and how to take advantage of all the opportunities available. The most innovative imaging facilities in the world will discuss how they have changed course to adapt to the changes in technology and customer behavior, and where they see the next big opportunities. Do not miss this conclave of the greatest minds in the world of digital output.
2:00Ed Monahan Kodak p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Kodak Industry Address
Speaker: Ed Monahan
Professional imaging markets continue to see sweeping changes and a decline in traditional business, leaving industry members to wonder about their future. This presentation will make a case for the underlying causality of consumer opt-out as well as provide a forward look at the future of the imaging industry. Based on these observations and conclusions, a perspective will be offered on the choice sets professional imaging businesses must make to successfully compete. Critical attention will be given to digital economics and utility, consumer consumption, further technology disruption, and removing the ‘friction’ from the digital ecosystems – that’s where the future profit pools lay.
2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Xerox Industry Address
Speaker: Brian Segnit
What is photo publishing? It’s a high-value, high- margin digital printing opportunity involving the use of photos in three market segments: consumer, publishing, and business-to-business applications. The opportunities are out there – in this session we will look at understanding the photo publishing market—and using that knowledge to gain new customers and new business. Market size for consumer photo books, cards, and calendars in the U.S. is projected by InfoTrends to be $2.5 billion by the year 2013, the markets sizes in publishing and B2B are even bigger.
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
HP Industry Address
Speaker: Sheri Martin
For more information please see: http://www.pmai.org/home_pma.aspx