loftgalerie Friesickestraße 18 13086 Berlin Allemagne
On 26th of April, 1986 at 1:23am block IV of the nuclear power station at Chernobyl exploded. In split seconds the achievement of the reactor rose on the 500-fold of the nominal achievement of 3,000 megawatts (th). From the graphite of the reactor there originated a fire constant similar to a volcano more than ten days.
Immense land surfaces were contaminated with radioactivity and permanently by the deposition of gap products, like caesium 137, strontium 90 (half-life in each case approx. 30 years) and plutonium isotopes (half-life 90 – 24,000 years) loaded. The air to Western Europe was fortified with radioactive iodine 131. The only experts up to now known unity of the "Becquerel" (1 decay per second) was used from now on to the marking of radioactive load by food. All together the inconceivable amount from 1.0 × 10E19 Becquerel was released. 10,000 km ² with a radioactive load more than 550,000 Bq/m ² explained to the deathly zone and zone of strict control.
Half a million people were forced to leave immediately, the half of them from the 30-km zone around the reactor. The nearby city of Pripjat was evacuated too late, although there the radiation intensity on more than the 10,000-fold of the natural value had risen.
All together more than 10 million people in Belarus, the Ukraine and Russia are victims of the disaster. 800,000 workers and soldiers, liquidators called and famed as "heroes" , mainly without exact information about intensity and effect of the radioactive radiation, from the first days till years, work on the exploded reactor and in the surroundings carried out were concerned especially strong. A large part of mostly between 20 and 30 year-old "liquidators" suffers from varied illnesses of internal organs. According to estimates of Ukrainian authorities had died already in 1996 more than 15,000 people, enclosed a high number of suicides.
Prof. Edmund Lengfelder (*) assumes even from the fact that until 2006 50.000 - 100.000 liquidators have died.
In the announcements of the International nuclear energy authority (IAEA) is told that only 31 power station workers and firefighters had received atomic rays. And the fact, that in the first days and weeks absolutely "significant health disturbances" would appear, these would not stand in connection with the radiation.