IBEU Art Gallery - Instituto Brasil Estados Unidos Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 690 www.ibeu.org.br Rio de Janeiro Brésil
The images were selected for the edition of the homonymous book, that tells the daily of the man in large cities. "Fernanda's took up the challenge of creating a photographic collection ofo cities today without committing to photographing buildings, avenues, people; in short, the socio-cultural history of urban spaces. To see the city, to record its daily life, to feel its irritating pulse, to sense its unrelenting movement. When you see a city, you do not necessarily see truth. This is precisely the main idea that passes by Fernanda Chemale's ElefanteCidadeSerpente [ElephantCitySerpent]. Fernanda decides to look at the city by photographing it in a speedy-zapping vision, allowing us, her readers, to be partially responsible for putting together her amazing kaleidoscopes. Her sharp perception, combined to a fantastic sense of fluid, plastic unity, allows heterogenic and discontinuous elements existing in contemporary metropolis to emerge as synthesis materializing her free expressive gesture”, said the photography researcher and critic Rubens Fernandes Junior.
The brasilian Fernanda Chemale is photographer and visual artist. Author of the books "Tempo de Rock e Luz" and "ElefanteCidadeSerpente". The series was already exhibited in the Usina do Gasômetro Gallery in Porto Alegre 2008 and in the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini in the month passed at Buenos Aires. Completin the calendar of this year has exhibitions marked in the Sala CMDF during Fotograma09 in Uruguay and in Fotoseptiembre USA-SAFOTO in the United States.