Uhlrich Wüst
- Exposition
Das Jahr 1989. Bilder einer Zeitenwende
Die Ausstellung zeigt in beeindruckenden Bildmotiven die sich überstürzenden Ereignisse und bewegten Momente vom Zusammenbruch der DDR. Neben dem Blick auf die innenpolitischen Verwerfungen, die Ausreisewellen und Demonstrationen dokumentiert die Ausstellung in Pressefotos auch die internationalen Bemühungen um einen Friedensvertrag für Deutschland und den politischen Anschluß der DDR an die Bundesrepublik.
In vier Themenräumen entfaltet die Ausstellung das Panorama der Jahre 1989 und 1990. Sie beginnt mit einem Rückblick auf die "bleierne Zeit" der achtziger Jahre, führt danach durch die Chronologie der politischen Ereignisse von 1989, um dann in zwei Bereichen einerseits die Aktionen der Bürgerbewegung hin zur friedlichen Revolution, andererseits den Blick des ... - Exposition
Transition Stage Portraits and Sequences 1980-1990
"Übergangsgesellschaft" (Transition Stage) is an exhibition of photographs produced in the 1980s in the GDR. The works, which avoid pathos, are at once poetical and punctilious in the way they depict the mood of those momentous years.
In selecting pictures for the exhibition the Academy was not primarily concerned with the fall of the Wall, the demonstrations that preceded it or a chronicle of the popular movement. The exhibition focuses on the far-reaching changes, atmospheric and political, that were exploding the canonical rules governing image and were informing a new subjectivity in the work of artists. One theory posited by the exhibition is that it was precisely these changes that laid the ground for citizens' protest against the norms and aesthetics of a system. So it is that the exhibition at P... - Exposition
EAST (for the record) - Carte Blanche VI: VNG Verbundnetz Gas AG
The sixth exhibition in the scope of the Carte Blanche project of the GfZK presents the current expansion of the photographic collection of VNG - Verbundnetz Gas AG and a cross-section of its collection of paintings and graphic art.
The photo collection of Verbundnetz Gas AG is one of the most significant collections of contemporary photographic art in Germany. It is a reflection of a period of social transition, documenting the radical political, economic and social changes that took place in the former GDR between 1992 and 2000. This detailed insight into the recent history of Germany has a focus upon landscape and industry, based largely upon a comparative view of the periods before and after 1989. However, key historic events of autumn 1989 have remained outside of the spotlight thus far. Viewed from different bio... - Exposition
Uhlrich Wüst à Aix-en-Provence
Né en 1949, il vient de l'Allemagne de l'Est. C'est Berlin-« Mitte » (Berlin centre) qu'il photographie, en essayant de définir le vocabulaire du monde bâti par l'homme et le temps. Il a beaucoup travaillé avec l'Amérique latine.
Annonce du festival sur Actuphoto :http://www.actuphoto.com/page.php?page=pronews/news_complete&id=2069
© Uhlrich Wüst
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