Nadim Asfar

Nadim Asfar

#Photographe #Incontournable
Filmmaker and photographer Nadim Asfar was born in Beirut in 1976. He holds a
B.A. in cinema studies from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts and has taught
photography there since 2004. He completed his postgraduate studies in
photography at the École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière in Paris and has
worked as a freelance photographer for many outfits, including Maison Rabih
Kayrouz, the H&C Leo Burnett agency and Le Monde/France. His photography work
has been exhibited at various galleries throughout Europe and the Arab world, and
his graduation film, Trouble (2001), won first prize at the European Film Festival in
His work "Les constellations" tackle the issue of the link to the city and to space, to
the real world and question the language of photography, and body language, the
rhythm of thought, of vision and of motion.
Nadim Asfar invites us to an open quest in between several languages and thus to a
thousand journeys.