Mirella Ricciardi
- Exposition
Festival de la Gacilly
Le plus grand Festival Photo en plein air de France. Créé il y a 12 ans, le Festival Photo Peuples et Nature de La Gacilly a réuni plus de 2,5 millions de visiteurs autour des plus grands photographes internationaux. Une photo éthique et humaniste croisant les regards de photographes issus du monde de l’art et du photo-journalisme. Un festival engagé dans le développement durable.
« Nourrir la planète, le défi majeur du XXIe siècle »
« La Terre... C’est elle qui nous nourrit, elle à qui nous devons la vie et devrons irrévocablement la survie. » Pierre Rabhi
Que mangerons-nous demain ? Comment subvenir aux besoins d’un monde qui comptera plus de 9 milliards d’habitants en 2050 ? Plus qu’un simple questionneme... - Exposition
Mirella Ricciardi - Vanishing Africa
Bernheimer Fine Art Photography is proud to announce the exhibition Vanishing Africa.
The Kenya born artist Mirella Ricciardi has travelled for over forty years around Africa to record her home, country and its people. The result of her journey is reflected in the unique photographs which form the basis of the bestselling book Vanishing Africa (1971). Vanishing Africa was the prototype for the so-called 'coffee-table book', which granted a new audience an unprecedented insight into the world of the East African people. It also became a model for Leni Riefenstahl and Peter Beard, the latter has a close friendship with Ricciardi. When Mirella Ricciardi began photography in 1967 she did not have any technical training. She was inspired by the surroundings of Lake Naivasha, where she grew up and a place with a... - Exposition
Atlas Gallery is delighted to announce an exhibition of fine and rare photographs by five of the most important photographers to work in the continent over the last fifty years. Though strikingly different in style, the work of each is closely related both by geography and inspiration. Brandt’s timeless portraits of wildlife owe much to the back-drop portrait style of Penn’s Benin portraits, while Riefenstahl’s inspiration for her colour Nuba portraits derives directly from Rodger’s famous ‘Nuba Wrestlers’. Ricciardi’s iconic book ‘Vanishing Africa’, published in 1971, was also of central importance to Brandt’s mission to capture the majesty of Africa’s wild animals, many in the process of near extinction. In the work of all five there is an ur... - Exposition
Mirella Ricciardi
Forty years ago Mirella Ricciardi travelled through Kenya and Sudan to photograph some of the last unspoilt tribes of Africa. She returned with a unique collection of visceral photographs that formed her seminal book Vanishing Africa (1971), an international bestseller. The Michael Hoppen Gallery are delighted to announce an exhibition of both iconic and previously unseen photographs taken in Africa by Ricciardi - none of which have been exhibited in the United Kingdom for more than 35 years. When Mirella Ricciardi began taking pictures in Kenya in 1967, she was free from the encumbrance of formal photographic training. Her fresh eye, combined with an unconventional childhood - surrounded by an array of animals and tribes people on the shores of Lake Naivasha - imbued Ricciardi with a rare ability to instinctively captur...
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