Michel Frapier
- Exposition
Exposition : « L'oeil - Tokyo et Paris » à la Galerie Clémentine de la Féronnière
Communiqué de presse de la Galerie Clémentine de la Féronnière
L’exposition développe en deux chapitres une approche photographique de l’esprit de Paris et de Tokyo, en présentant les travaux de huit photographes français et japonais : Daido Moriyama, les KiKi (duo formé par Yuki Onodera et Aki Lumi) pour Paris, et Michel Frapier, Naoki Honjo, Jérémie Souteyrat, Mitsugu Ohnishi, Jean-Michel Berts et Satoshi Asakawa pour Tokyo. Ces photographes ont tous participé au projet Tokyo-GA, initié par la galerie japonaise Klee (Naoko Ohta).
Une série de photobook japonais sélectionnés avec soin accompagneront cette exposition, occasion inédite de se procurer ces ouvrages à Paris.
Les év&... - Exposition
TOKYO-GA, un nouveau projet photo au NYPH' 2012
TOKYO-GA will participate in New York Photography Festival 2012, May 16-20th.
In an act of global solidarity, TOKYO-GA will present for the first time a selection of Tokyo photographs by Japanese, American, and European photographers.
TOKYO-GA created an extensive photographic project: describing Tokyo Scapes by 100 Photographers.
Tokyo reacts quickly to changes of the times; as the largest and most recognizable city in Japan it has become a site of unity.
The idea for TOKYO-GA originated as an internal response to the devastating natural disasters that occurred in Japan in 2011.
These events brought an awareness of the global connectedness of not just Japanese people, but all of humanity.
© Masayoshi Sukita
&... - Exposition
Tokyo photo 2009 Japan's first art fair dedicated to still photography
TOKYO PHOTO 2009 endeavors to be the foremost art fair of photography in Japan. The venue is located in the heart of international business and culture in Tokyo. To be held from September 4 to 6, Tokyo Photo 2009 will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and buy a wide range of photographic works from vintage prints to cutting-edge digitally enhanced images.
With the support of the US Embassy and in collaboration with the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, Tokyo Photo will mount a special exhibition entitled Photo America. Featuring over 50 historical works spanning the 19th century to the present, Photo America will present a panoramic overview of American photographic expression. Virtually all of the works will be displayed for the first time in Japan.
Lectures and seminars will...
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