John Thomson, born in Edinburgh, was the first Western photographer to travel widely through the length and breadth of China. This unit is a full reproduction of his celebrated Illustrations of China and Its People: A Series of Two Hundred Photographs, with Letterpress Descriptive of the Places and People Represented, published in four volumes from 1873 to 1874. Images courtesy of Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
Vente Vente de photographies anciennes, modernes et comptemporaines par ADER PARIS Photographies anciennes et d'exploration par :
E. Atget, Baldus, Bisson Frères, F. Bonfils, S. Bourne, A. Braun, P. Boyer, E. Carjat, M. Chambi, T. Child, Collard, Davanne, T. J. Dixon, G. Duchenne de Boulogne, L. Gauthier, P. Géniaux, W. von Gloeden, J. B. Greene, H. Hoppenot, K. Kimbei, Lehnert & Landrock, E. J. Marey, P. E. Miot, Nadar, G. Ninci, P. Petit, W. Saunders, Scowen, Shepherd & Robertson, G. Sommer, A. Terris, F. Teynard, J. Thomson, R. de Wavrin, C. Zagourski et divers.
Paris, régionalisme, architecture, construction du métropolitain, portraits, alpinisme, érotisme, animaux.
Important album sur le voyage du Tsar Nicolas II de Russie en France, 1901.
Photographies de voyage : Italie, Europe, Norvège, Russie, Turquie, Maghreb, Afrique, Madagascar, Nouv...Exposition Exposition : « Les premières photographies de Formose par John Thomson en avril 1871 » L’île de Formose (Taiwan) compte aujourd’hui 23 M d’habitants. Avant l’arrivée des premiers colons chinois au XVIIe siècle, une quinzaine de tribus malayo-polynésiennes en furent les premiers habitants. De 1895 à 1945, Formose fut annexée par le Japon. En 1947, l’armée du KuoMinTang (parti nationaliste), en déroute devant les troupes du Parti communiste chinois, liquida près de vingt mille Taiwanais. Puis, en 1949, plus de deux millions de «continentaux» se réfugièrent à Taiwan. La «terreur blanche» durera jusqu’en 1964.
Aujourd’hui Taiwan est l’un des pays les plus modernes et démocratiques d’Asie, et l’un des plus agréables à vivre...Exposition Through the Lens of John Thomson : Hong Kong and Coastal China (1868-1872)
This is the first exhibition devoted to the images of China taken by the Scottish photographer John Thomson (1837 – 1921). Born in Edinburgh two years before the invention of the daguerreotype and the birth of photography, Thomson first travelled to Asia in 1862, where he set up a professional photographic studio. Fascinated by local cultures, Thomson returned in 1868 and settled in Hong Kong. Over the next four years he made extensive trips to Guangdong, Fujian, Beijing, China’s north-east and down the great river Yangzi. This exhibition is drawn from his time in these regions.
These were the early days of photography, when negatives were made on glass plates that had to be coated with emulsion before exposure. A cumbersome mass of equipment was required, but with perseverance and energy, Thomson capt...Modifier l'image