Jessica Dimmock #Photographe
Jessica Dimmock, 28, lives in New York. Is a graduate of The International Center of Photography's Program in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism. Her work has appeared in Aperture, The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Fortune, New York Magazine and Fader. For her work on heroin addicts in the Flatiron district she was awarded the F Award for Concerned Photography from Forma and Fabrica and the Inge Morath Award from Magnum.
Livre Jessica Dimmock - The Ninth floor Over the past two years Jessica Dimmock has photographed a group of die-hard heroin users living on “The Ninth Floor” of a Manhattan apartment building in a surprising, powerful, and intimate way. The tale of the terrible consequences of heroin abuse has been documented many times before, but Jessica epitomized the attitude of the concerned photographer by her deep compassion for the people she portrayed. The photographs brilliantly capture the chaotic atmosphere of human lives spinning out of control. Her contemporary visual language coupled with a strong narrative approach compels the viewer to understanding and to care. Faces and bodies fill the picture plan without any mediation as if Dimmock ultimately has no presence for these people. What makes her photographs so moving is that they capture both the ...Festival Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival, Toronto CONTACT is an annual month long festival of photography with over 1000 local, national and international artists at more than 200 venues across the Greater Toronto Area in May. Founded as a not-for-profit organization 14 years ago, CONTACT is devoted to celebrating, and fostering an appreciation of the art and profession of photography. As the largest photography event in the world, and a premiere cultural event in Toronto, CONTACT stimulates excitement and discussion among a diverse audience that has grown to over 1.5 million and is focused on cultivating even greater interest and participation this year.
Based on the curatorial theme Pervasive Influence, recent works by Canadian and international artists are showcased at Toronto's leading cultural institutions, contemporary art spaces and public sites. As the bo...Festival Le Festival New York Photo dévoile le programme de sa première édition Martin Parr, Kathy Ryan, Lesley A. Martin et Tim Barber ont dévoilé lundi les noms des photographes sélectionnés pour participer au festival New York Photo 2008. À l’occasion de cette première édition, qui se tiendra du 14 au 18 mai prochains, le festival a demandé à chacune de ces personnalités de concevoir une exposition qui traduise sa vision personnelle des tendances les plus importantes dans la photographie contemporaine. En multipliant les regards et en confrontant les points de vue, ce nouveau rendez-vous annuel se donne pour objectif de permettre à chacun d’imaginer ce que sera le futur de la photographie.
« Les commissaires d’exposition du festival NYPH08 ont été choisis pour leur approche innovant...Exposition Lyon Septembre de la photographie 2010 : US TODAY AFTER... Lyon Septembre de la photographie, dans sa thématique, ajoute au panorama français
un nouveau point de vue sur la photographie, à côté de manifestations d’importance comme
Visa pour l’image de Perpignan qui traque l’actualité et les clichés comme objectivation de
problèmes sociaux ; Les Rencontres d’Arles qui rendent compte d’une actualité, ou encore
Paris Photo qui s'inscrit dans le cadre du marché de la photographie.
La spécificité de Lyon Septembre de la photographie est de trouver et de pratiquer le
lien entre la photographie documentaire et l’art contemporain. Elle interroge la praxis de la
photographie documentaire créative qui confronte la subjectivité du photographe à ...Modifier l'image