Iwajla  Klinke

Iwajla Klinke

Iwajla Klinke (* 1976) is a Berlinbased photographer and filmmaker. She studied Political Science, Jewish Studies, and Islamic Studies at the Freie Universitaet in Berlin and worked as a freelance journalist for many years before directing her first film, Moskobiye, in 2004. Her second film, The Raging Grannies Anti Occupation Club , was released to critical acclaim in 2007 and selected for the 34th Mostra Internacional de Cinema in San Paolo, Brazil. In recent years, Klinke has devoted herself to photography, gaining a wide following. This is her first exhibition in Italy.

“Photography gives you a sort of triumph, when you don’t have any language it’s just about you and the other person. It sounds stupid but you get rid of language.”
I. Klinke