Horacio Salinas
- Festival
Le Festival New York Photo dévoile le programme de sa première édition
Martin Parr, Kathy Ryan, Lesley A. Martin et Tim Barber ont dévoilé lundi les noms des photographes sélectionnés pour participer au festival New York Photo 2008. À l’occasion de cette première édition, qui se tiendra du 14 au 18 mai prochains, le festival a demandé à chacune de ces personnalités de concevoir une exposition qui traduise sa vision personnelle des tendances les plus importantes dans la photographie contemporaine. En multipliant les regards et en confrontant les points de vue, ce nouveau rendez-vous annuel se donne pour objectif de permettre à chacun d’imaginer ce que sera le futur de la photographie.
« Les commissaires d’exposition du festival NYPH08 ont été choisis pour leur approche innovant... - Exposition
PRUNE - abstracting reality
The exhibition PRUNE – abstracting reality focuses on the complex but intriguing relationship between realism and abstraction in contemporary photography. The exhibition includes only photographic work that is based on reality but which depicts this reality with a greater or lesser degree of abstraction. On show in the exhibition is work that first and foremost can be appreciated for its abstract, formal qualities, such as form, colour and composition. Only afterward does the viewer recognise the subject rendered in the work. Then the viewer becomes aware of an underlying story and the concept employed by the photographer. Usually it is the information in the caption which compels the viewer to relate to the work in a new way.
The exhibition emphasises that abstraction of reality is always present in photography a... - Exposition
HASTED HUNT is pleased to announce "CONTRADICTIONS in BLACK and WHITE: Photographs by Margaret Bourke-White, Harry Callahan, Michael Flomen, Adam Fuss, Nathan Harger, Idris Kahn, Vera Lutter, Raymond K. Metzker, Irving Penn and Horacio Salinas". The exhibition opens on January 8, 2009 and runs through February 28, 2009. There will be a reception on Thursday, January 8th from 6 to 8 PM.
The photographs in "Contradictions in Black and White" all deal with representation and abstraction, as well as chaos and order, artists making aesthetic sense of disparate elements. They make the real unreal and vice versa. The most basic contradiction is black against white, with light the essential and existential tool of photography used in search of meaning. The images in the exhibition are Modernist and formal...
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