Harald Hauswald
- Exposition
25 Years Ostkreuz
In 1990, East German photographers founded OSTKREUZ in Paris. Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, it is considered Germany’s most renowned agency for photographers today. The Goethe Institut Paris presents a retrospective of the entire photographic spectrum of the Berlin-based agency at two venues.
Founding moment in Paris
In the spring of 1990, inspiration struck as seven photographers from East Berlin, among them Sibylle Bergemann, Harald Hauswald as well as Ute Mahler and Werner Mahler, were sitting in a Parisian market hall café. Mitterrand had invited the photographers to Paris for an exhibition featuring major GDR-artists. It was during the transitional period following the fall of the Berlin Wall when Germany was still officially divided and no one really knew what was to come.
For year... - Exposition
« On borders », a collective exhibition by OSTKREUZ
A woman flees her homeland for a distant country. Two enemy armies face each other across a fence. The World Court condemns a war criminal. A desert gives birth to a new nation. A people topple their country’s dictator. And in a back courtyard someone takes a shot of heroin.
In their new joint exhibition, the 18 photographers of the OSTKREUZ agency tell stories about borders. They explore what borders mean to people and how people shape their lives along borders.
First of all, a border is not more than an imaginary line drawn to mark a difference. This ends here, something else starts over there. Most crossings occur smoothly, but once a barrier has been constructed, it can only be crossed at a border checkpoint. A barrier emphasizes differences via fences, walls, and ges... - Exposition
Scenes and Traces of a Fall. The Berlin Wall in the eyes of photographers
An exhibition by the Foundation Brandenburger Tor organized by Matthias Harder
On October 3, 2009, the Day of German Unity, and on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Foundation Brandenburger Tor in the Max Liebermann House will open the exhibition 'Szenen und Spuren eines Falls. Die Berliner Mauer im Fokus der Photographen' (Scenes and Traces of a Fall. The Berlin Wall in the eyes of photographers). This historical change is presented in an individual and, at the same time, exemplary manner in 140 works by 21 renowned photographers. The Foundation Brandenburger Tor has its seat directly adjacent to Germany' s national monument. For the Foundation it is both an opportunity and an obligation to document the fall of the Berlin Wall exactly here at this place, which formed the centre of e... - Exposition
Das Jahr 1989. Bilder einer Zeitenwende
Die Ausstellung zeigt in beeindruckenden Bildmotiven die sich überstürzenden Ereignisse und bewegten Momente vom Zusammenbruch der DDR. Neben dem Blick auf die innenpolitischen Verwerfungen, die Ausreisewellen und Demonstrationen dokumentiert die Ausstellung in Pressefotos auch die internationalen Bemühungen um einen Friedensvertrag für Deutschland und den politischen Anschluß der DDR an die Bundesrepublik.
In vier Themenräumen entfaltet die Ausstellung das Panorama der Jahre 1989 und 1990. Sie beginnt mit einem Rückblick auf die "bleierne Zeit" der achtziger Jahre, führt danach durch die Chronologie der politischen Ereignisse von 1989, um dann in zwei Bereichen einerseits die Aktionen der Bürgerbewegung hin zur friedlichen Revolution, andererseits den Blick des ...
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