Edward Mapplethorpe
- Vente
La photo à l'honneur dans une vente aux enchères à l'Hôtel Drouot
L'Hôtel Drouot mettra en vente jeudi 5 juin 2014 à 14h un important lot de photographies consacré aux grands maîtres de la photographie du 20e siècle ainsi qu’à certains photographes contemporains.
La vente commencera avec de rares tirages sur papier salé sur l’Italie par Gustave Le Gray, Eugène Constant, Tommaso Cuccioni, Adriano de Bonis, accompagné d’Auguste Salzmann sur Jérusalem.
On retrouvera les années 1930 à 1950 avec des tirages d’époque sur Paris, des nus, des études surréalistes et des portraits par Pierre Boucher, André Steiner, Jean Moral, George Hoyningen Huene, Emeric Feher, Aram Alban, Izis, Marcel Bovis, Maurice Tabard, René-Jacques, Lucien Hervé... - Exposition
‹abstract› Galerie f5,6, Munich
The exhibition ‹abstract› as the definition most simply states is quite simply an „abstract“ and concurrently a small exploration into the possibilites of abstract photography now. Since 2003 abstract photography has been a central and recurring theme of the gallery programme. Next to three artists the gallery has worked with since 2003 - Antonio Azuaga (Spain), Richard Caldicott (Great Britain) and John Goto (Great Britain), we have invited Edward Mapplethorpe (USA) and Silvio Wolf (Italy) to show their latest work. From the beginning of photography in the late 19th Century, the medium has often defined itself through the often dramatic rivalry of painting versus photography. But abstract photography has been a small but fascinating strand, ever since the beginnings, from Henry Fox Talbot&rsquo...
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