Akinbode Akinbiyi
- Exposition
Exhibition : « Three Photographers/Six Cities » at The Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents five exhibitions covering a broad spectrum of the arts from across the African continent, ranging from historical works of art to contemporary fashion, photography, design, and architecture.
The centerpiece is Look Again: Contemporary Perspectives on African Art, (14 May-25 Sep 2016). This major exhibition examines the rich artistic heritage of West and Central Africa, offering an unprecedented opportunity to discover connections between centuries-old traditions and contemporary artistic practices.
Popo Aguda, Lagos Island, Lagos 2008, Courtesy of the artist, © Akinbode, Akinbiyi
The other four exhibitions in Creative Africa will be: Three Photographers/Six Cities (30 Apr-25 Sep 2016), Vlisco: African Fashion on a Global Stage (30 Apr-22 Jan 2017), The Architect... - Exposition
Fototagetrier 2010: LEBEN elementar
Conceptual background:
The non-profit organisation Kulturverein Bild und Kunst eV Trier is proud to announce that the first edition of the fototagetrier, the Trier Photo Days, will be held in 2010. The festival, which was conceived as a triennial event, will invest various museums and exhibition spaces in the city of Trier. Entitled “LEBEN elementar”, the first edition intends to survey a wide range of contemporary artistic practices based on photography or video and dealing with notions of contemporaneousness and existentiality.
The concept of the exhibition follows the observation that the gaps in our seemingly banal everyday – a seamless succession of events from birth and growing up to ageing and dying, interspersed with experiences of love and loss, joy and sadness, happiness and dismay, poverty ... - Exposition
Prêt-à-partager un échange transculturel autour de l'art, de la mode et du sport
L’exposition prêt-à-partager propose une réflexion sur la mode, l’identité, l’histoire et le sport. À l’invitation de l’Institut pour les Relations Culturelles avec L'Étranger (ifa), 15 créateurs originaires d’Afrique et d’Europe se sont réunis lors d’un workshop de créations multimédias et interdisciplinaires organisé à Dakar en novembre 2008 dans le cadre des Semaines culturelles allemandes.
Les artistes se sont fait les vecteurs d’influences provenant des métropoles que sont Berlin, Kinshasa, Dakar, Londres, Stuttgart, Douala, Hambourg et Johannesburg, influences qui ont toutes convergé vers la capitale sénégalaise. Les artistes ont ainsi développ&...
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