I was born on May 19, 1965 in Okeechobee, Florida. I was groomed to be a Pentecostal preacher, studying the bible and taking piano and organ lessons. I spoke in tongues. I learned to cast out demons. I was gay. I left home at the first opportunity.
A friend gave me a camera and I fell in love with light and image.
Another friend gave me an enlarger and supplies for a dark room.
In a closet under a stairwell, I taught myself how to make a photograph.
Actualité Le photographe Adrain Chesser photographie ses proches en leur annonçant sa séropositivité
Diagnostiqué séropositif, le photographe de Seattle décide de capturer l'émotion de ses proches, unique et soudaine, en les prenant en photo lorsqu'il leur annonce son immunodéficience. Il révèle individuellement qu'il est atteint du VIH et présente sa série de photos très personnelle : un travail où le regard du photographe n'est plus témoin. Dans son projet « I have something to tell you », il essaye de se débarrasser d'un traumatisme et ne montre pas seulement des visages tristes, en deuil ou apeurés avec ses clichés mais il fait part de l'expérience humaine et du regard d'autrui. Les photos révèlent son intimité.
En 2003, il ...Exposition Fototagetrier 2010: LEBEN elementar Conceptual background:
The non-profit organisation Kulturverein Bild und Kunst eV Trier is proud to announce that the first edition of the fototagetrier, the Trier Photo Days, will be held in 2010. The festival, which was conceived as a triennial event, will invest various museums and exhibition spaces in the city of Trier. Entitled “LEBEN elementar”, the first edition intends to survey a wide range of contemporary artistic practices based on photography or video and dealing with notions of contemporaneousness and existentiality.
The concept of the exhibition follows the observation that the gaps in our seemingly banal everyday – a seamless succession of events from birth and growing up to ageing and dying, interspersed with experiences of love and loss, joy and sadness, happiness and dismay, poverty ...Modifier l'image