Galerie im Einstein Unter den Linden 42 10117 Berlin Allemagne
Michael Najjar's complete work series on view for the first time in Berlin,
1 November to 31 December
For the 3rd European Month of Photography Berlin 2008 the Einstein Gallery holds the first complete viewing of Michael Najjar's work series netropolis (2003-2006) from 1 November to 31 December 2008
The exhibition is organized in association with ARTINVESTOR magazine.
netropolis is a group of twelve large-format portraits of cities from across the world which visualize the exponential future development of the megacity. Using computer software, numerous superimposed panoramic views of each city are interwoven into a complex urban landscape, changing urban space into an abstracted shimmering network of relationships. netropolis reveals the real evidential city as an intricate web of information and communication tracks and highways. This vision endows the city with a new type of futuristic urbanity - netropolis, Fritz Lang's Metropolis for the triumphant digital age.
The work series portrays Beijing, Berlin, Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, New York, Paris, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and Tokyo.