Expositions du 7/3/2008 au 8/4/2008 Terminé
The Red Wall Gallery Is located at SPAO at 168 Dalhousie, at the corner of Bruyere, in the Byward
The Red Wall Gallery Is located at SPAO at 168 Dalhousie, at the corner of Bruyere, in the Byward
Interplay is a collection of photographic perspectives of facets that define lives.
Be it the touch of a loved one, the hiss and pop of your favorite record, or the whir of a projector, the strong sentiments that these evoke are the most difficult to describe. These are the bridges between our physical realities and emotional states. We experience our world through the tint of these states; they alter our reactions and realities. They change us, and our direction. These images seek to explore our perspectives on the defining aspects of our lives.
By the Rinsed in “Acid” collective: Brandon Clarida, Annelise Lallemand and Patrick Turner