Expositions du 07/09/2007 au 09/09/2007 Terminé
Neunplus Berlin Borsigstraße 9 . 10115 Berlin-Mitte . www.neunplus.com . mail@neunplus.com
OPENING: Thursday, 6th of September at 7 pm neunplus . Borsigstraße 9 . Berlin-Mitte
ARJA HYYTIÄINEN & SERGEI ISAKOV » T h o u g h t s f o r t h e r o a d «
Thoughts for the road is a starting point for two photographers, Arja Hyytiäinen (Finland) and Sergei Isakov (Russia) on a
future project taking place the coming winter in Russia. The exhibition is organized as an invitation to their visual language
and the possibilities to unite two visions into a larger unity.
The exhibition concentrates around human conditions and the seeking paths of the two authors. The conditions and places
vary but the people stay the same.
The opening event will also present slideshows and films for a deeper understanding of the two different photographic
viewpoints who are now preparing to establish a common project.
Opening: 6th of September at 7 pm
Exhibition: 7th – 9th of September
Opening hours: Fri 4 – 8 pm, Sat & Sun 2 – 6 pmNeunplus Berlin Borsigstraße 9 . 10115 Berlin-Mitte . www.neunplus.com . mail@neunplus.com