© Madison Padilla
Concours du 18/4/2016 au 8/5/2016 Terminé
THEME: HappinessThe idea of happiness varies for each individual. Happiness could mean a walk in the park, snuggling with your favourite book or exploring new parts of the world. We are curious to see what represents the idea of happiness to you, which is why we have launched a brand new ‘Happiness’ themed photo contest for you. Enter now to show us your best shot, share your happy moment with us and win!
• Grand Prize Winner: $200 Amazon voucher for photography equipment and be featured in our upcoming social media campaign (Your name and photo will be showcased to thousands on our Facebook and Twitter pages!)
© Coinaphoto
• Submissions 18th April 2016 to 8th May 2016
• Winners announced 13 May 2016
Share your idea of happiness with us by showing us what represents happiness to you. Enter our ‘Happiness’ photo contest now to win $200 in cash prize.
Our judge will be selecting the best photos based on creativity in subject, perspective, angle, focal point, focus/sharpness and relevance to theme.
• Rumaisa Khan, CoinaPhoto team member
• To be declared
All photo entries must fit ALL criteria to qualify as a winner. Please review the following requirements:
• Photo must ensure all rights, including permissions from subjects and all parties displayed
• Photos submitted must be linked to a CoinaPhoto account
• Must have all 3 sizes available (S=0-5 MP, M=5-10 MP, L=10+ MP)
• CoinaPhoto account must have a profile picture
• Photos must not previously have won an award in one of our previous contests. (Contestants may win more than one CoinaPhoto contest but are not eligible to win consecutive contests)
• Photos submitted must be owned by entrant (winners may be asked to provide additional verification of ownership)
• For more information on contest regulations, please refer to our http://www.coinaphoto.com/pages/terms-of-use"
Conditions de participation