© Teutloff Museum
Concours du 14/1/2016 au 31/3/2016 Terminé
It's a worldwide call for photography focused on the theme "The Face of Freedom".The award is divided into two levels of competition: The first round of judging is based on the number of likes the submitted photographs receive on the related Facebook page until March. The twenty entries with the highest overall number of likes will be selected as the "Finalists" and qualify for the final round of judging.
The best three photographs will be chosen by a judging panel featuring Prof. Dr. Klaus Honnef (art historian, freelance publicist, theorist of artistic photography), Roland Nachtigäller (artistic director of Marta Herford) and Prof. Dr. h.c. Peter Weibel (visual artist, media theorist, director of Center for Art and Media│ZKM, Karlsruhe).
They will be awarded with 5000 €, 3000 €, 2000 € respectively.
Detailed information about the Photo Award 2016 can be found directly on Facebook:
Teutloff Museum Photo Award
And of course, all people who are interested in photography are invited to "like" their favourite photographs.