Diane Dufour, conseillère artistique pour 2016 © Patrick Tourneboeuf
Concours du 7/9/2015 au 31/10/2015 Terminé
Photography has been a part of HSBC France's political culture for a number of years. Today it is expressed through the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie, created in 1995 under the aegis of the Fondation de France.For 20 years, the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie supports 2 little-known photographic talents, helping them promote and develop their work. These talents are elected through an annual contest, open from September to November.
The Contest is aimed at Photographers whom are contemporary and living, regardless of their age or nationality;
work on representations of reality (no theme, approach or method of treatment imposed);
have never published a Monograph (with ISBN Number)
The Laureate must be able to provide between 15 and 25 images available to be sold for the travelling exhibition which lasts the entire year of promotion, and a minimum of 70 photographs for the creation of the Monograph.
In this context, the Prix cannot consider requests to help create projects for example reports or exhibitions, for which there are already several grants and awards available.
The Prix HSBC pour la Photographie is chaired by Stuart Gulliver, Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Group. Christine Raoult, Deputy Head of Public Relations for HSBC France is the Executive Director.
The Executive Committee is composed of representatives from HSBC France and artistic and cultural personalities, and is responsible for electing the Artistic Advisor, electing the Laureates and controlling the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie.
Every year, the Artistic Advisor brings a new perspective to the Prix, choosing a dozen of finalists which he presents to the Executive Committee.
How to Participate:
The 2016 Contest is open from the 1st September until the 31st October 2015. To participate, click on Register, complete the application form and then send us your portfolio by post to the address provided by the 31st October (applications with postal stamps dated after this date will not be accepted).
Your application should contain the following documents :
- 5 unframed, unmounted photos (paper, silver or digital prints) in A4 format maximum (Also indicating your usual print format)
- 10 different photographs from the 5 selected, stored on a USB stick or a CD.
- A short textual presentation of the work put forward
- A Curriculum Vitae (contact details, training, previous work, exhibitions, experience) along with a short Biography (10 lines max.)
- A self-portrait
- 1 CD or 1 USB stick with your full name written on it containing the following element :
15 images in JPEG format, high definition (300 DPI) and low definition
Descriptions attached to the images as well as your name in the bottom of each
A written description of the work
CV and Biography (Only in Microsoft Word format (.doc), not PDF)
A self-portrait (High and low definition)
- A pre-paid envelope to return your application (must be large enough to fit your portfolio)
Any incomplete application, or applications which do not display the Bar Code in the confirmation Email (which must be attached to the envelope) will not be accepted.
One portfolio per person will be accepted
All portfolios will be returned in February after the selection has been made provided a pre-paid, self-addressed envelope is enclosed.
Conditions de participation