Expositions du 04/06/2015 au 14/06/2015 Terminé
Constantine Palace Berezovaya alley 3, Strelna 198515 St. Petersburg Russie
The photographic work and style of Isabelle Schmitt is practilly known to date worldwide.Constantine Palace Berezovaya alley 3, Strelna 198515 St. Petersburg Russie
This time it is with the « SAI » (International Automn Show) at the fabulous « Constantine Palace » we can find her work during the white nights of Saint Petersburg in Russia !
Nominated as « society » of « autumn fair » of Grand palais this same year, after only her second selection (unanimously at the first in 2013 by their jury), allowing her to enter in the history of of this prestigious contemporary art fair alongside Cartier-Bresson, Willy Ronis, Jean-Loup Sieff or Man Ray and also elected « gold canvas of the year 2014 » at « art capital » of Grand palais by the « national federation of French culture (fncf) » her photographic universe, essentially urban , especially nocturnal, is on a very technical artistic research, close to the painting...
For this new extraordinay « international exhibition » organized by mr. Noël Coret , president of this prestigious salon of contemopary art and famous writer, Isabelle will present one of her masterpiece of Tiananmen square, in a pictorial dimension exposed during famous exhibition of contemporary art in France as the « grand palace » or « espace Pierre Cardin» and in international, as on giant screens in times square in New York, the « national art center » of Tokyo in Japan, «yan huang museum» of Beijing in China, « kheireddine palace » in Tunisia , but also to the «Little Van Gogh » gallery in Brussels and « the cellar gallery showroom» in Paris, her singular perspectives research , and ephemeral great enlightenment, classical and modern marriant, arouse great emotions. . .
In the cover of « Reponses photo» on march 2013, French reference magazine (fr), where all the big names in photography have been published, her world before -gardiste and spooky also inspired many colleagues ...
designer fashions, her artistic approach consisted in fact, contrary to the « street photography», to photograph urban focusing cleared the views of any human presence, uncluttered way , looking for original angles, reflections and poetry intoxicating , movements of worked , delivering a powerful image of his energy...
After a background in report & the illustration there are more than 15 years, with houses like the general directorate of information and communication ( dgic) of the town hall of paris or unesco (which offer him his first job at the age of 23 ! ) with many states visits like that of his excellences mr. hugo chavez , jacques chirac, mr. olusegun obasanjo or robert kocharyan , but also historical events, published in le monde diplomatique (fr), art newspaper (uk) , the figaro magazine or newspaper of unesco
Isabelle headed for photography art still continuing in parallel the report and adding teaching (for « aguila travel » reference in the teaching of travel photography ) or writing technical articles for the press as in « knowing everything in photography » and the publication of portfolios too ! « Laureate favorite prize » at the « 16th photography show» of paris xi in 2011, through a learning this art at the time of the film and in houses of requirements, work has the distinction of being still today without filters shooting & untouched .
In order to rediscover the magic of the city, all its beauties , its history, its major project « world urban » is to realize a tour of the world's urban night photography symbols in a feminine dimension, original and shifted.
At night, under the light, all urban symbols can quickly become in fact the ground for a urban comedy imagined ...
In recent years, she left so regularly treat major city in the world artistic way to trigger a visual emotion ...
In order to capture and reinterpret the soul of a city or a monument , it explores new
photographic fields out of the usual codes and chose to explore these works
urban lit by giving them a new dimension, sometimes supernatural.
she chose the color as identity component of the city and enjoys playing with timepose, movement.
dancing with the goal brought out the urbanitude too fixed habits! It operates and uses all parts of the city of uncluttered manner to enhance its size, each element can take place in the stage and take part in a character dreamlike. draw a portrait of urban graphically to make come quite a different character and create other visual emotions ...
Isabelle Schmitt is « member » too of the « society of authors in the graphic and plastic arts » (adagp), the « union of professional photographers » but also « head member » of the « sai - international autumn fair » of Grand palais.
One again, she will offer us again beautiful emotions alongside more than 150 artists around the world & this, under the colors of the « automn show » , the oldest of the « art fairs » that hosted the biggest names in art as matisse, picasso, cezanne, braque, renoir, rodin, vuitton, dior, dubussy, maurice, ravel, oxmo, puccino, cabu, wolinski, man-ray, cartier-bresson or willy ronis and this, in one of the most prestigious in the world palace , the palace of the tsars & the presidency !
A small night photographic tour in an original and offbeat perspective, as have already highlighted many photo references... and an extraordinary artistic event not to be missed !!!
« sai france -russie »
from the 4th to 14th june of 2015
exhibition at « constantine palace »
berezovaya alleya, 3, пос. Стрельна, leningrad oblast, russie, 198515
+7 812 438-53-34
Isabelle Schmitt – French photographer – paris - www.isphoto.fr