© Alfred Seiland
Expositions du 7/3/2015 au 18/4/2015 Terminé
Galerie Clairefontaine – Espace 2 21, rue du Saint-Esprit L-1475 Luxembourg Luxembourg
In his second solo exhibition at Galerie Clairefontaine, Alfred Seiland shows several icons from his photographic works: East Coast - West Coast, Kluge Köpfe FAZ-Kampagne and Imperium Romanum.Galerie Clairefontaine – Espace 2 21, rue du Saint-Esprit L-1475 Luxembourg Luxembourg
In American road movies, the protagonists usually travel from East to West, or vice versa. By contrast, for his series "East Coast-West Coast", the Austrian photographer Alfred Seiland repeatedly traveled for several months from North to South, from South to North, along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts from 1979-1986. He took a total of 100 photographs, almost half of which made the final selection for his book.
© Alfred Seiland
"Dahinter steckt immer ein kluger Kopf" is the title of the long running advertising campaign of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. From 1995 to 2001, Alfred Seiland photographed numerous public figures with or behind the newspaper. The equally intelligent as humorously staged photographs portray the personalities by their respective context. Alfred Seiland received numerous international awards for this series.
For his new and so far most extensive series, "Imperium Romanum", Alfred Seiland has been visiting the former Roman Empire for many years. Seiland's photographs confront the viewer with themes that shed light on the conflict between antiquity and modernity. He covers a wide spectrum ranging between the contemporary view on antique monuments or reconstructions in their original surroundings or in museums, and the cultural landscapes marked by modernity, but enriched by history.
© Alfred Seiland