André Lützen zugefrorener Fluss Dwina, Archangelsk, Russland, 2013
Expositions du 17/1/2015 au 23/1/2015 Terminé
Robert Morat Galerie für Photographie Kleine Reichenstr. 1 20457 Hamburg Allemagne
Arkhangelsk, Russia, 155 miles off the polar circle. Hamburg based photographer André Lützen visited a city, where everyday life is determined by icy temperatures, long nights and extreme climate. „If the climate defines the way of life, if long and cold winters govern the rhythm and one grows up within these conditions, the climate does not seem as extreme“, tells Lützen. „The people who live here have their ways to plan their daily routine. They think about how to organise, how long to stay outside soon to return to a well-tempered room.“Robert Morat Galerie für Photographie Kleine Reichenstr. 1 20457 Hamburg Allemagne
André Lützen Portrait Natasha, Archangelsk, Russland, 2013