Expositions du 08/04/2006 au 28/04/2006 Terminé
fotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie
Curated by Harvey Benge
Production: Zoneattive
Collaboration: Creative New Zealand
Support: Ambasciata di Nuova Zelanda
Starting from the need to verify 20th century experience in areas still little known to western audiences, this exhibition presents New Zealand's photography seen in Italy for the very first time in Italy. This is a country with wonderful natural scenery - that entered collective imagination as the backdrop for the movie version of the Lord of the Rings - revealing a school of photography that is extremely rich and receptive to the problems of modern times. While the presence of nature is at the centre of work by Bruce Connew, documenting the spectacular migration of birds and traditional Maori hunting skills, it is the tamed vegetation of rich domestic courtyards are the settings in which Dieneke Jansen sets their owners' desire to 'appear'. Ingrid Boberg follows the same line of investigation, seeing domestic furnishings as the statement of personal identity and the status of those living there. The private sphere and memory's fragility in preserving it, are at the centre of the reflections of many artists, such as Harvey Benge who puts together the neglected objects of the banality of daily life, the reflection of universal uncertainty; while Allan McDonald saves the small traces of human presences in houses undergoing demolition - a curtain, wallpaper - with almost archaeological respect for the presences that time deletes. Albeit within the variety of expressive choices, the research shared by all these artists seems to be the relationship with time and the fast-moving changes of contemporary culture, as emphasised by the images of history museums by Haru Sameshima; the ancient tattoos de-contextualised by the metropolitan setting in the images by Mark Adams; the series of old archives by Ann Shelton; and finally the images by Marti Friedlander, who towards the end of the Sixties portrayed ordinary people, perceiving that New Zealand society would soon change.
Mark Adams
Harvey Benge
Ingrid Boberg
Bruce Connew
Marti Friedlander
Dieneke Jansen
Allan McDonald
Ann Shelton
Haruhiko Sameshima
Project Room Villa Glori Facoltà Architettura Valle Giulia
via Argentina, 10
OPENING TIME: all days, 16.00 - 20.00
Free admission.
Bus: 910 (Auditorium), 53 piazza Mancini; 217 viale XVII Olimpiadefotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie