Expositions du 07/04/2006 au 30/04/2006 Terminé
fotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie
The research carried out by Luca Campigotto (born in Venice 1962) - certainly one of the most important personalities in the panorama of Italian contemporary photography - on war landscapes, started at the beginning of the Nineties and arose from the great writings of those who played leading roles in the Great War: ranging from "Un anno sull'altopiano" by Emilio Lussu to "The storm of Steal" by Ernst Junger, also including the indispensable and extremely detailed guides to war itineraries by Walther Schaumann.
Mountains become a sort of epic backdrop reflecting the drama and immense sadness of war. These are almost inaccessible places, perhaps only just deserving a name on maps, all of a sudden becoming necessary reference points, positions from which one cannot - one must not - withdraw.
Multitudes of soldiers dug kilometres of caves and galleries, labyrinths of trenches, raised never-ending networks of barbed wire. They shot at one another for months on end remaining only at a short distance from each other.
From the silence of the Pasubio, the Ortigara, the Grappa and the Carso, come the memories of many tales and the echoes of words from extraordinary books: the tragedies and miseries of war mingle with anecdotes and adventures. Fear mingles with heroism, in the continuous exhausting effort to remain alive and return home.
Museo di Roma in Trastevere
Piazza S. Egidio, 1 b 00153 Roma Italia
06 5816563
OPENING TIME: Tuesday-Sunday, 10 - 20
closed on Monday
(Tickets are sold until h. 19)
TICKETS: integrated entrance ticket exhibitions + museum EURO 4 - reduced EURO 3
Bus: n. H, 23, 44,75, 116, 280, j4
Tram: n. 3, 8fotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie