Expositions du 12/04/2006 au 13/05/2006 Terminé
fotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie
Infinite Wastelands, il disastro nucleare in quattro aree dell'ex Unione Sovietica
Curated by Greenpeace International
Photographer Robert Knoth and writer and broadcaster Antoinette de Jong have worked on a big project and campaign in partnership with Greenpeace International, on the four locations where nuclear disasters have taken place. At the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl-disaster the project stresses that Chernobyl was by no means exceptional. The project is very much linked to the current discussion about the climate change and the need to secure our energy supply of tomorrow. Already, a lot of what we use through privatized energy-companies in Europe stems from nuclear plants in Russia. The Russian nuclear industry however, has an appalling history of accidents, and of deliberately dumping nuclear materials straight into the environment. Many of the nuclear plants in use are unsafe and still contaminating large areas. The Chernobyl disaster, unfortunately, was not an exception. Quite the contrary is true: it is just another example in a series of devastating nuclear accidents that have taken place in the last 45 years. This photo-reportage has been made in four different locations to make clear that so far Russia has not acted in any responsible manner and has failed to protect its citizens against the dangers from having a nuclear industry. Every decade there is at least one serious incident with one of Russia's nuclear facilities. The last one took place in 1997 in Dimitrograv. The exhibition and book focus various issues: health and health care of millions people affected by radiation and the economical and social effects of the accidents in vast areas of the former Soviet Union.
Auditorium "Arte" - Parco della Musica
Via Pietro De Coubertin, 30 Roma Italia
06 8024111
OPEN: Monday - friday 5.00 pm - 9.00 pm
saturday - sunday 11.00 am - 9.00 pm
Free entrancefotografia festival Internazioanle di Roma Zone Attive Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47 00185 Rome Italie