© Olaf Otto Becker
Expositions du 1/11/2014 au 20/12/2014 Terminé
Galerie f5,6 Ludwigstr. 7 Odeonsplatz 80539 Munich Allemagne
With his new project Olaf Otto Becker is distancing himself from his former field of attention. He is leaving behind the icebergs, glaciers and snowmelt rivers, turning towards the earths’ forests. The comprehensive project Reading the Landscape consists of three chapters and depicts the characteristics of three specific habitats. Untouched biotopes in Malaysia, Indonesia and North America are captured in all their glory.Galerie f5,6 Ludwigstr. 7 Odeonsplatz 80539 Munich Allemagne
© Olaf Otto Becker
Becker is showing us lush, green landscapes and rivers – photographs of ideal places, meeting our expectation of exotic rainforests. An assumption that is to be destroyed in the projects’ second chapter, in which Becker uncovers the consequences of industrial clearing. The last chapter of Reading the Landscape can be read as an imagined return to the idyllic and presents us a glimpse in what constructed nature looks like.
© Olaf Otto Becker
In the usual manner, the beauty of Olaf Otto Becker’s work veils its critical content. As in the case of receding glaciers or the melting inland ice of Greenland, it is about more than beautiful photographic compositions - and yet one never has to do without.