Expositions du 17/01/2006 au 25/03/2006 Terminé
Scalo Gallery Schifflände 32 8001 Zürich Suisse > Site : www.scalo.com Tue - Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sa 10 am - 4 pm
Swiss photographer Brigitte Lustenberger (1969) addresses themes of seeing and being seen, the feeling of being watched or observed. We are delighted to introduce you to this newcomer and her first solo exhibition in a gallery (solo exhibition at the PhotoForum in Pasquart/Biel in 2004).
The focus is the analysis and reflection of one's own stare and its related perception. Remembering "other pictures"; those from the reality influenced by cinema and television that affects our visual comprehension. On exhibit are photographs from Lustenberger's last four work groups. In the series Watching (2004), women - reacting to someone or something that is taking place outside of the picture frame - are the subjects of the photographs. These are situations that women know intuitively, as if they had experienced them themselves. The photograph captures that ambiguous moment in which they notice something unusual, but their consciousness has not yet decided whether they need to be afraid or not. Ort des Geschehens [Site of the Event] are places that appear as if something could have just happened, but where probably absolutely nothing happened. In this respect the images appear to have no meaning; they are "only" painstakingly illuminated photographic compositions. The women portrayed in I am watching you (2005 - work in progress) sense that they are being observed. Exposing their observers with a returned stare, the women demand consideration of one's own line of vision. The works were photographed solely with natural light and merge with the Lustenberger's other portrait series Maloja (2001), works imbibed with Rembrandt-like manipulation of light.
© Brigitte LustenbergerScalo Gallery Schifflände 32 8001 Zürich Suisse > Site : www.scalo.com Tue - Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sa 10 am - 4 pm