Wilmar Koenig, William Eggleston in Tennessee, 1984, C-Print 40x50cm, Ed. 15
Photo Edition Berlin Ystaderstr.14a Prenzlauer Berg 10437 Berlin Allemagne
Wilmar Koenig's photographic biography/history goes a long way. He was among the founders of the now legendary 'Werkstatt für Fotografie' in Berlin Kreuzberg, which was the primary location for contemporary photography between 1975 and 1985. Already in the 1970s he made his name among the pioneers of fine art colour photography in Germany and, over the years, went on many trips with the American photogrpaher William Eggleston, that generated images of mutual inspiration.
The friendship of William Eggleston and German photographer Wilmar Koenig goes back over ttwenty years. They visited one another in their respective countries regularly, during which times they'd go on frequent photo excursions.
Wilmar Koenig went through his archive and for the first time these photographs are now available as limited editions. There are more to come. A must for the friends of photography.