ON VIEW AT Phacto-Espacio de acción fotográfica: October 22–November 21, 2010 Opening reception: Friday 22, 7:00 pm “No Season” is an account of a lone journey to the no-man’s lands of mass tourism, a visual challenge erupting into the debate on global warming and tourism. The project NO SEASON goes beyond a a superficial criticism of massive tourism. NO SEASON is an aesthetic reflection on "cities without habitants". The exibition is included in the off programm of EUROPES , Europe’s first multidisciplinary festival for cultural creation organized and held in Barcelona in october and november 2010 by the spanish pubblisher La Fabrica. www.phacto.es www.europes-festival.eu NAUGURACIÓN EXPOSICIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA NO SEASON DE LUCA TRONCI NO SEASON es un viaje visual por las “no man lands” de las ciudades devotas del turismo en el Mediterráneo durante los meses de temporada baja. El proyecto de Luca Tronci va más allá de una crítica superficial sobre el turismo de masas para convertirse en una reflexión estética sobre las ciudades sin habitantes. Esperamos verte el día 22 de octubre a las 19:00 hrs. en PHACTO (C/ Tapioles 22, bajos 08004 Barcelona-Metro Parallel) www.phacto.es www.europes-festival.eu
Artistes :
Born in Cagliari, Sardinia, in 1966, Luca Tronci is currently based in Barcelona. His work has appeared in The NewYork Times, Courrier International, Foto8, Straight No Chaser, La Repubblica, L'Unità, Il Giornale di Sardegna and Il Corriere della Sera, among other publications. He was selected for the "Barcelona y Fotografía" collective exhibition at the city’s history museum and published a book with the same title. In 2009 he won second prize in the Visual Culture Awards in the USA.
Nom du lieu
PHACTO - Espacio de acción fotográfica
Adresse :
C/ Tapioles 22
08004 - Barcelona