Fotogalerie Karin Schneider-Henn Schmidzeile 12 83512 Wasserburg Allemagne
In his internationally renowned photographic series and illustrated books “The Reading of Time in the Text of Nature“ (1997), “Album of Stones“ (2005) and “Trees like Stones“ the artist Klaus Merkel makes us aware of the amazing correlation between animate and inanimate objects, between natural and man-made forms.
For over thirty three years Klaus Merkel has photographed nothing but stones and rocky landscapes or trees, which he then juxtaposes with sacred or profane stone constructions. When he takes pictures of sediments that the elements form into monuments, or of temples that decay into marble reefs, he is capturing the erosive traces of time. “Time is the link that joins together the images made by man and by nature; Time is the unpredictable sculptor responsible for the increasing similarity of trees and stones“
(Klaus Merkel).