Portrait of Mick Jagger 1976 Mylar, cut and pasted papers, crayon 43 x 33 inches Collection of Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University
Hearst Art Gallery At Saint Mary's College of California 1928 St. Mary's Road CA 94556 Moraga États-Unis
This exhibition features a large selection from the Saint Mary's College collection of 152 original Polaroid photographs, 8' x 10' black and white photographs, and photo booth prints, awarded through the Andy Warhol Foundation's Photographic Legacy Program. The exhibit includes iconic portraits of Dolly Parton, Dorothy Hamill, Vitus Gerulaitus, Yves Saint Laurent, Gianni Versace, Denise Hale, Pia Zadora, R. C. Gorman, and other celebrities from the 70s and 80s. A selection of famous photosilkscreens, multi-media color drawings, and rare album covers are on loan from private and public collections, including the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford, including Mick Jagger, Jackie Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Electric Chair, Flowers, and Tomato Soup Can.
Opening Day Events: Sunday, April 11, 2 PM, Soda Center
Panel discussion moderated by Robert Taylor, featuring exhibition guest curator Wesley Gibson and Dan Leopard.
Wesley Gibson MFA, Brown University, is the author of two novels, numerous articles and essays. He teaches in both the English Department and the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Dr. Gibson teachers a popular course on contemporary art in the Bay Area every Jan Term.
Dan Leopard, PhD from the School of Cinema-Television, University of Southern California, has written on Warhol, avant-garde filmmaker Stan Brakhage, and the use of videogame aesthetics in training simulations by the US Army. Dr. Leopard teaches film courses in the Communications Department.
Robert Taylor is the former fine arts writer of the Contra Costa Times. His work has appeared in the San Jose Mercury News, Los Angeles Times, Diablo Arts and Southwest Arts magazines. His first experience with Andy Warhol's art was the exhibit 'Six Painters and the Object' at the Guggenheim Museum in 1963.
Lecture: Wednesday, April 14, 7 PM, Soda Center
Warhol the Filmmaker, by David E. James
David E. James, PhD, is a professor at the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California, Academy Film Scholar, Getty Fellow, and author of numerous books on Hollywood and avant-garde film and music.