Expositions du 18/3/2010 au 20/4/2010 Terminé
FotoFreo PO Box 681, Fremantle Western 6959 Australie
Western Australian Museum 1 Museum Place, Batavia Coast Marina 6530 Geraldton Australie
FotoFreo PO Box 681, Fremantle Western 6959 Australie
Western Australian Museum 1 Museum Place, Batavia Coast Marina 6530 Geraldton Australie
Narelle Autio’s vibrant and award-winning images of Australian coastal life have won her impressive national and international acclaim. Since they were first exhibited at Stills Gallery in 2000, her vivid images have also captured the hearts and imaginations of viewers. One beauty of Autio’s work is its ability to speak to so many people about their own experience of being coastal dwellers. Another is the play of colour and light in the photographs, giving them a magic and painterly quality that transcends the usual depictions of the beach. Autio’s images give back to the coastline the complexity, drama and beauty that are eroded by postcards and clichés.