Volker Heinze
- Exposition
Exhibition : « Jailbreak of color photography » at Zone E
Press Release -
This exhibition highlights a photography period, which shortly before the close of its historical development in the 1980s underwent a complete deconstruction and subsequent renewal with respect to its aesthetic, tradition and thematic concerns. Furthermore, the selected works illuminate the period through a re-examination of these significant representatives. Works by these artists are also exhibited in the comprehensive exhibition, Das rebellische Bild (The rebellious image) in Museum Folkwang, and within this context these pioneering works are showcased in their development and as work-in-progress installations using original vintage materials. This occasion is also an exceptional opportunity to acquire unique works and countless artefacts of that era, including vintage prints that hav... - Exposition
Arbeit/Labour - Set 7 from the collection and Archive of the Fotomuseum Winterthur
We each relate to work in our own personal way. We may be employed or self employed; we may have just entered the workforce and have specific goals or we may be enjoying well-earned retirement. Working to earn a living is a salient feature of bourgeois society. It defines social status and belonging, while unemployment and not working bears the menace of being ostracized. From its earliest beginnings, photography has captured how, where and under what conditions people work – not only by in-house photographers, adhering to the perspective and specifications of the management but also by freelance photographers with an open-ended, unfiltered approach to places of production and trade. In both content and motif, the exhibition “Arbeit/Labour” traces the transition from physical labour to automa...
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