Lehrauftrag für Fotografie, Kunstakademie Münster
bis 2005
Meisterschüler von Prof. G. Keusen, Kunstakademie Münster
Studien bei Prof. Dieter Appelt, Berlin
Studium Bildende Kunst, Kunstakademie Münster
geboren in Letmathe/Westfalen
Fotografiepreis Wiesbaden 2002
DG-Bank Fotopreis beim Kunstpreis der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
Kunstpreis Münsterland der Sparkasse Coesfeld
Förderpreis der Großen Kunstausstellung Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
Karl-Hofer-Preis der Hochschule der Künste Berlin
Atelierstipendium der Stadt Münster
Barkenhoff-Stipendium, Worpswede
Preisträger beim Deutschen Kunstpreis der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
Gotland-Stipendium (Schweden) des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe
single exhibtions
Real Landscapes
Galerie Wagner + Partner, Berlin
Galerie f 5,6, München
Picture Worlds, Städtische Bühnen Münster 2009
Manhattan / Picture Worlds
new quarters, Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf
in situ, Städtische Bühnen Münster
Real Landscapes
Galerie Espacio Marte, Mexiko City
Real Landscapes
Galerie Mike Karstens, Münster
Real Landscapes
Galerie Herrmann & Wagner, Berlin
Hotel California, Dolron & Wrede
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Köln
Strange Paradise
Galerie Münsterland e.V., Emsdetten
Strange Paradise
Galerie Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf
Seascapes / Am Meer
Goethe Institut London und Helsinki
New Shores
James Nicholson Galerie, New York
Von Tannen und Wäldern ...
Galerie SPHN, Berlin
Strange Paradise
Städtische Galerie Iserlohn
Stadt. Land. Meer.
Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim, Neuenhaus
James Nicholson Gallery San Francisco
Scope Show New York
Präsentation durch Nicholson Gallery aus San Francisco
Strange Paradise
James Nicholson Gallery, San Francisco
f 5,6 Galerie für Fotografische Kunst, München
Mondes mystiques - paysages domestiquies
Goethe-Institut Paris
Mondes magiquis
Galerie du Forum de l`lmage Toulouse
Landschaften - Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie
Kunstverein Bochum
Domstic Landscapes
Gallerie Felixleiter, Berlin
Domestics Landescapes
Cristinerose Gallery, New York
Fotogalerie Wien
Magic Worlds
Kunstverein Ahlen Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
Magic Feelings
Galerie Image, Aarhus (DK)
Und zuletzt führte das Licht Regie
Kunstverein Recklinghausen
Magic Worlds - Magic Feelings
Cristinerose Gallery, New York (USA)
Im Rauschen des Augenblicks
Karl-Hofer-Preis 1997 Hochschule der Künste Berlin
Samsö und andere Projekte
Städtische Galerie "die Welle",Iserlohn
Stadtmuseum Münster
Die Vögel stehen in der Luft und schreien
Fotoinstallation im Wewerka Pavillon, Münster
Studiogalerie 14
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten, Marl, Ausstellungshalle am Hawerkamp, Münster
Cadavre exquis
Fotogalerie Image, Aarhus (DK)
FGK-Galleriet, Visby (S)
group exhibitions
StillStand - Stillleben in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie I
Fotoforum Braunau
Gescheiterte Hoffnung. Romantik heute? 17 Antworten der zeitgenössischen Fotografie
Herbert Gerisch Stiftung, Neumünster
water - a journey to quiet contemplation
SHAG, sahlman helwaser art gallery, New York
Krieg der Knöpfe
Aarhus Kunstbygning Center for Contemporary Art (DK) & Landesgalerie Linz (A)
Failed hope. New romanticism in contemporary photography in Germany
Photomonth, Krakau
California Hotel - Doloron & Wrede im Dialog
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Köln
4 Jahre f 5,6
Galerie f 5,6 München
privat. Über die Sehnsucht nach Geborgenheit in der Kunst der Gegenwart
Städtische Galerie Ravensburg
On the Road - Unterwegs
Galerie Herrmann & Wagner, Berlin
Krieg der Knöpfe
Ursula Bickle Stiftung, Kraichtal-Unteröwisheim
Wirklich wahr! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografie
Ruhrlandmuseum Essen
True Fiktion
Städtische Galerie Erlangen und Saarbrücken
Totale. Fotografische Positionen
Kunstakademie Münster, Stadtmuseum Münster
Spuren und Zeichen
Versicherungskammer Bayern, München
Dostuk Maci, Mimar Sinan Universtät, Istanbul
Es ist heißt, es ist Sommer!
Galerie f 5,6, München
Mondes Magiques - Paysages Domestiqués
Galerie du Forum de l'Image
Kein schöner Land
topografische Fotografien, Kunst- und Medienzentrum Adlershof, Berlin
Kunst- und Medienzentrum Adlershof, Berlin
Inaugural Exhibition
James Nicholson Gallery, San Francisco
Galerie Macher, München
Geschwindigkeit Terrain der Zeit
Foto- u. Medienpreis Wiesbaden, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
Dokumentation II "Kultur - Natur"
Fotogalerie Wien
Der Berg
Heidelberger Kunstverein
Ways of Worldmaking
Muscarnok-Kunsthalle Budapest (H)
Point of view
Landschaften, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt
Op het tweede gezicht
Provinzial Hof, Brügge Paradiese der Moderne Bauhaus Dessau
Oh, Europe!
Nationales Institut für Fotografie der Niederlande, Rotterdam (NL)
Monat der Fotografie im Ruhrgebiet, Kunsthaus Essen und Ruhrlandmuseum
übersicht 3, - Bild und Abbild
Realität und Virtualität in Fotografie und Neuen Medien, Wanderausstellung des Kultursekretariats NRW Gütersloh
Künstlerhaus Duende, Rotterdam (NL)
Still / Life
hARTware projekte, medien kunst verein, Dortmund
average - durchschnitt
Goethe-Zentrum, Kapstadt (Südafrika)
playgrounds - landschaften
Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt
Neuland - Die Landschaft in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie
Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden
Growing Up Postmodern
University Galleries, Normal State University, Illinios (USA)
Kunstpreis der Deutschen Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken
Sprengel-Museum, Hannover
Botho -Graef-Preis der Stadt Jena
Im Spiegel der Zeit. Porträt / Selbstporträt
Kunstverein Schloss Plön
Reservate der Sehnsucht / Zones of desire
Unionsbrauerei, Dortmunder "U"
Der Tod des Tieres in der Kunst der Gegenwart, Städtische Galerie Paderborn
Mois de la photo
Saidye Bronfman Center, Montreal (C)
The Dead
National Museum of Photographie Bradford (GB)
Jubiläumsausstellung des Heidelberger Kunstveriens Jahresausstellung Westdeutscher Künstlerbund, Vestisches Museum, Recklinghausen
Europe without framework
Fotogalerie Image, Aarhus (DK)
espacio marte
Loma del Jaguuey 140-1, Col. Lomas de Vista Hermosa, C.P. 05100 México, D.F. / Mexico City
- Livre
Thomas Wrede: Manhattan Picture Worlds
Wrede has photographed oversized advertisements in the centre of New York City between the years 2003 and 2008, which he treats as incorporated elements of architecture in his pictures. As in earlier works by Wrede e.g. the Real Landscapes- or Small Worlds series, the artist plays with dimensions as well as different layers of perception and reality. Manhattan Picture Worlds does not use the conquering drive that the huge poster surfaces have on the outside world as a starting point, but rather as a visual terminus. In this way, the radical fusion of the advertising image with real space is viewed from the vantage point of the passerby." (Christoph Schaden, catalogue, p. 109).
Wrede graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Münster, in 1992. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany and abroad... - Exposition
Anywhere - Thomas Wrede
Landscapes as projection screens for desires are the overarching theme of the German photographic artist Thomas Wrede (*1963, Lethmate). Since the late 1990s the artist has in various photographic series delved into our – still rather romantically characterised - desire to experience nature. He further questions the truth value and the messages of media images, which are surround us everywhere and at the same time form the visual basis for such desires.
Galerie Wagner + Partner is excited to be able to present the next instalment of the series “Real Landscapes” through new works by the artist. The works display Wrede’s joy of creating his own visual worlds, which give the viewer the impression of already knowing them. By means of a foreground illusion, achieved through skilful staging of mode... - Exposition
Open Landscape
Nature became landscape long ago. Since the Romantic period landscape has furthermore been an aesthetic position. But what is landscape for the modern human being ? The thematic exhibition "Open Landscape" provides a juxtaposition of multigenerational photographic and pictorial approaches to this question. The reference point for all participating artists is the real landscape.
The works of Thomas Wrede and Joseph Schulz increase their charm through friction between photorealistic representation extended through staging and intervention. Wrede, in his series entitled "Real Landscapes" combines the natural beauty of landscape with constructed miniature models. The landscapes photographed in this way appear seductively plausible and exaggerate the romantic projection.
"One dives into these wo... - Exposition
Landscape without Horizon Near and Far in Contemporary Photography
Curator: Bettina Paust
Of great interest today, landscape photography is generally characterised by the horizon as an aid to perception. Within the international discourse on contemporary landscape photography, the present exhibition is the first to focus on those artistic visions which, each in its own way, mask and eliminate the horizon as the line separating earth from sky.
The process of perceiving and experiencing land as landscape is a phenomenon that originated in the art of the early modern age. Ever since the Renaissance, Western artists have employed perspective with its prominent horizon as a method to depict the threedimensional world. From the beginning of the twentieth century, however, this pattern of perception and representation has been transcended, as numerous artistic developments show.
In ph... - Exposition
THOMAS WREDE Manhattan / Picture Worlds
To start off a cooperation between Henn Gallery, Munich and Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art, Düsseldorf, the German photographer Thomas Wrede (*1963) will show works from his series Manhattan Picture Worlds. The Vernissage will be on Thursday, 4th March, 7 p.m. at Henn Gallery, Augustenstrasse 54 in Munich, with introductory words by Dr. Inka Graeve Ingelmann, Head of Department Photography and New Media, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich.
Wrede has photographed oversized advertisements in the centre of New York City between the years 2003 and 2008, which he treats as incorporated elements of architecture in his pictures. As in earlier works by Wrede e.g. the Real Landscapes- or Small Worlds series, the artist plays with dimensions as well as different layers of perception and reality. Manhattan Picture W... - Exposition
Thomas Wrede - Real Landscapes
"I see the world as a kind assembly kit, a grand stage, as image and simulacrum." (Thomas Wrede)
With the presentation of Real Landscapes Gallery f5.6, Munich is pleased to present the second solo exhibition of Thomas Wrede. His Picture Worlds and Landscapes series brought great attention to his work on national as well as international level. Recently published was the monography Manhattan Picture Worlds with accompanying texts from Christoph Schaden. What is Thomas Wrede presenting to the viewer? The infinity of the ocean, its endless beaches, the dramatic setting of the mountain landscape, or a canyon immediately release a myriad of emotions and personal inner images and convey man's deepest yearning for a place of peace and feeling fundamentally human. This host of emotions and inner imagery is the start... - Exposition
Thomas Wrede - Strange Paradise
Mit Strange Paradise beweist Thomas Wrede einmal mehr, dass er ein Meister des subtilen, visuellen Vexierspiels zwischen Modell und Wirklichkeit ist. Die wundersame, simulakre Inszenierung von Landschaftsversatzstücken in überhöhten Modellkulissen im Kontrast mit unwirklich anmutenden, entrückten Küstenlandschaften, die das Individuum romantisch miniaturisieren, kreieren Bildwelten, die gleichsam vertraut und fremd anmuten. Das Fehlen von Größenrelationen erzeugt, ohne jede digitale Manipulation, optische Täuschungen, die die Wahrnehmung schwimmen lassen - ein Gauklermärchen, dem Stimmungen wie Weite, Ruhe, Offenheit, Sehnsucht aber auch Angst und mögliche Bedrohung zugeordnet sind. Der künstlichen Augenblicklichkeit der Fotografie folgt die Künstlichkeit der I... - Exposition
Thomas Wrede - Manhattan/ Picture Worlds
We cordially invite you to the opening of our exhibition 'Manhattan/ Picture Worlds' by the photographic artist Thomas Wrede on Thursday, 5th of March 2009 at 7pm on Bilker Straße 4-6.
With this series, never before shown publicly, the artist succeeds once again in expressing the subject of ambiguity. During six years Thomas Wrede took photographs of huge billboards in the New Yorker district of Manhattan, which for him constitute significant architectural elements of this fast moving metropolis. He skillfully contrasts the ideals presented by advertising with the realism of the street by capturing with his camera the people and atmosphere of everyday life in New York. A "Real-Collage" emerges, in which the different layers of reality are combined to create a tension-filled image which can only exist ...
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