Sirio Magnabosco
- Festival
Talent Latent 2009
From May 7 to July 5:
Tarragona’s Mercat Central
From October 2:
Arts Santa Mònica of Barcelona
Talent Latent is the exhibition which forms part of the SCAN photographic festival. Coorganised by the Department of Culture and Communication and Tarragona City Council, the 2009 edition of SCAN consolidates itself as a platform for the participation in and contribution of content and structure in the field of the photographic image, and in the fields of education, investigation, research, diffusion and heritage. SCAN is constantly evolving and its flexibility allows it to embrace both historical memory and new developments in the field.
SCAN 09 has two aspects. One is conceptual, consisting of the Symposium, dedicated to the theory of image, and the Dialogue; and that of a showcase, wit... - Exposition
H 03.32 Palazzo dei Duchi d'Acquaviva
Being there, looking, shooting, showing, keeping. Italian photographers gave themselves this painful but necessary task: to recount the tragedy of the Abruzzo earthquake in pictures. Hundreds of moments passed before their eyes: personal stories, separated families, fallen houses. When the memory needs evidence, the photograph comes into play. An exhibition is the most immediate way of putting these together. The creation of an institutional fund to conserve them....
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