Seth Price
- Exposition
Grey Flags at the Backslash Gallery
When you stop talking and doing, and close your eyes, what comes to mind? Voices? Images? Feelings? Like landscape seen from a plane, these phenomena hover on a sublime verge between fascinating and boring. Well, that might be true of anything viewed from a distance: the stars, the sea, mountains, the horizon. And what of social phenomena? Same. On any forgotten record, it’s in the filler songs that you find the blank, thoughtless strivings laid bare, production patterns of another day, secrets of the ornaments.
Look further back, to a time when age 25 was referred to as ‘the mid-point of life,’ when cattle were the only capital. One senses something of the mesh of fear and regimentation and suffering and bloody sacrifice from which civilization was meant to escape. This is the coin of the realm.... - Exposition
After Images - Musée Juif de Belgique
L’impression qui reste après la première vision d’une image ou d’une série d’images dépend de la capacité sensorielle de chacun à conserver la trace aperceptive de cette rencontre.
Cette exposition collective, consacrée à l’art américain récent, se concentre sur la façon dont les artistes réagissent à la pléthore d’images et d’informations dans la culture actuelle. L’image est à la fois convoquée et révoquée dans plusieurs œuvres de cette l’exposition : des matériaux tout faits et des images trouvées sont utilisés d’une façon qui contourne l’héritage de l’Appropriation Art caract... - Exposition
Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art presents Meet Me Around the Corner
This exhibition presents the diversity and high quality of the Astrup Fearnley Collection, which has developed into one of Scandinavia’s finest collections of international contemporary art. In this exhibition we present new acquisitions by younger artists, mainly Americans, who have entered the international art scene since 2000. You can also experience works by Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Richard Prince, Bruce Nauman and others who established their artistic practice in the 1980s and ‘90s.
The exhibition features artists like Lizzi Bougatsos, Corin Hewitt, Terence Koh and Klara Lidén, who express themselves through diverse media such as sculpture, drawing, video, painting and photography. These artists often take their point of departure in existing visual material, yet in addition to appropriating...
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