Rodrigo Illescas

Rodrigo Illescas

Rodrigo Illescas was born in Bahia Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires in 1983.

In 2008 he graduated as architect, a profession he held until 2012 in different studios and construction companies as well as independently.

He published books of poetry, "Asimismo, todo aquello / Also, everything", editorial Vinciguerra, in 2007; and "Razia", editorial El Mono Armado, in 2014.

In 2013 he qualified as Professional Photographer in the School of Creative Photography of Andy Goldstein. In the same year he performed a photographic exhibition about donation and organ procuration, "Lo dado / The given".

Currently he works as photographer and photo projects manager for the Wall Group and performs works for different media, such as Vision Pyme Magazine, Idea Magazine, among others.