Natalie Czech
- Livre
Photo Art - Photography in the 21st century (Collectif)
More adventurous in scope than other comparable compendiums, Photo Art is a vast critical survey of contemporary conceptual-oriented photography. It particularly addresses the work of artists emerging in Western and Eastern Europe--many of whom will be new to American audiences--and presents critical contexts for their work in accompanying essays. Gathering more than 120 image-makers from around the globe, this luscious compendium reads like an international art fair between covers, with the work of artists to watch now and in the future, from established figures to representatives of the newest generation. Among the artists featured here are Roy Arden, the Atlas Group, Seung Woo Back, Richard Billingham, Gerard Byrne, Claude Closky, Natalie Czech, Tacita Dean, Luc Delahaye, Ruud van Empel, J.H. Engstrom, Charles Freger,... - Festival
Le Festival New York Photo dévoile le programme de sa première édition
Martin Parr, Kathy Ryan, Lesley A. Martin et Tim Barber ont dévoilé lundi les noms des photographes sélectionnés pour participer au festival New York Photo 2008. À l’occasion de cette première édition, qui se tiendra du 14 au 18 mai prochains, le festival a demandé à chacune de ces personnalités de concevoir une exposition qui traduise sa vision personnelle des tendances les plus importantes dans la photographie contemporaine. En multipliant les regards et en confrontant les points de vue, ce nouveau rendez-vous annuel se donne pour objectif de permettre à chacun d’imaginer ce que sera le futur de la photographie.
« Les commissaires d’exposition du festival NYPH08 ont été choisis pour leur approche innovant... - Exposition
Landscape without Horizon Near and Far in Contemporary Photography
Curator: Bettina Paust
Of great interest today, landscape photography is generally characterised by the horizon as an aid to perception. Within the international discourse on contemporary landscape photography, the present exhibition is the first to focus on those artistic visions which, each in its own way, mask and eliminate the horizon as the line separating earth from sky.
The process of perceiving and experiencing land as landscape is a phenomenon that originated in the art of the early modern age. Ever since the Renaissance, Western artists have employed perspective with its prominent horizon as a method to depict the threedimensional world. From the beginning of the twentieth century, however, this pattern of perception and representation has been transcended, as numerous artistic developments show.
In ph...
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