- Actualité
Le Prix Pictet expose à Genève
Juillet 2015, Valérie Belin, photographe française, était nommée lauréate du Prix Pictet. A partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'au 8 mai, les photos de ce prestigieux concours seront exposées au Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-rouge, à Genève.
Crée en 2008, le Prix Pictet s'est imposé au fil des ans comme un concours incontournable pour les professionnels. Ayant pour but de sensibiliser le public aux enjeux environnementaux et sociaux de notre époque, il impose chaque année un thème en conséquence. Pour l'édition 2015, le Prix Pictet avait choisi d'angler le concours autour du désordre. Intitulé "Disorder", ce phénomène est con... - Actualité
Les 12 finalistes du Prix Pictet sont...
Les noms des douze finalistes sélectionnés pour la 6e édition du Prix Pictet, dont le thème est «Disorder», ont été dévoilés ce vendredi 10 juillet.
Il s'agit des photographes suivants:
Ilit Azoulay: née à Jaffa en 1972, vit et travaille à Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, en Israël
© Ilit Azoulay
Valérie Belin: née à Boulogne-Billancourt en 1964, vit et travaille à Paris, en France
© Valérie Belin
Matthew Brandt: né à Los Angeles en 1982, vit et travaille à Los Angeles, aux Etats-Unis
© Matthew Brandt
Maxim Dondyuk: né à Polyana en 1983, vit et travaille &agrav... - Exposition
6ème Prix Pictet "Disorder"
Les images réalisées par les douze photographes de renommée internationale en lice pour la 6e édition du Prix Pictet seront exposées à
partir du 13 novembre 2015 au Musée d'ʹArt moderne de la Ville de Paris. La présentation à la presse aura lieu le 12 novembre 2015 de 10h à 13h. Le musée accueillera également lors de la soirée du 12 novembre la cérémonie au cours de laquelle Kofi Annan, ancien secrétaire général des Nations Unies et président d'ʹhon... - Exposition
Staking Claim: A California Invitational
This original exhibition is the second installment of a triennial series showcasing the talent of and diverse scope of photographic work being done by photographers living within the Museum’s home state. Sixteen different artists, all of whom reside in California, are featured in the exhibition and all of the work has been created within the past five years.
The artists are both established and emerging and the variety of work is as varied as the state of California itself. Staking Claim: A California Invitational embraces the digital medium but also remains true to, and in some cases reinterprets, traditional photographic processes. The result is a dynamic exhibition that highlights the constant evolution of the art form.
... - Exposition
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New York – The AIPAD Photography Show New York, one of the world’s most important annual photography events, will be held April 4-7, 2013, at the Park Avenue Armory. Presented by The Association of International Photography Art Dealers (AIPAD), the fair is the longest-running and foremost exhibition of fine art photography.
Three Malian women © Seidou Keïta
More than 80 of the world’s leading fine art photography galleries will present a wide range of museum-quality work including contemporary, modern, and 19th-century photographs, as well as photo-based art, video, and new media. The 33rd edition of the show will commence with an opening night gala on April 3, 2013, to benefit inMotion, which provides free legal... - Exposition
Lakes, Trees and Honeybees de Matthew Brandt à la Yossi Milo Gallery
Yossi Milo Gallery is pleased to announce Lakes, Trees and Honeybees, an exhibition of new photographs and prints by Matthew Brandt from his series Lakes and Reservoirs, Trees, Honeybees and Taste Tests in Color. The exhibition will open on Thursday, May 24, and will be on view through Saturday, June 30, with a reception for the artist on Thursday, May 24, from 6:00 - 8:00PM. This will be Matthew Brandt's first exhibition with the gallery and his first solo exhibition in New York.
Matthew Brandt creates his prints using physical elements from the subject itself. Inspired by landscape photography of the American West - especially its correlation to the methods of printing and making images during photography's infancy in the mid-nineteenth century - the artist revives traditional photograph... - Exposition
Matthew Brandt - Two Ships passing, à M+B Gallery
M+B is pleased to announce Two Ships Passing an exhibition of new work by Matthew Brandt. “Two ships passing” is a common saying describing the possibilities and often unresolved nature of love and connection. The show’s title borrows from this multi-layered expression—its ambiguity as well as promise of potential—to describe the peculiar interdependency between The United States and China.
At the core of the exhibition stands one particular circumstance: when two vessels pass each other in their domestic waters. Created with their own depicted fluid, two large-scale salted paper prints represent this specific occurrence in both Chinese and American waters. Brandt’s act of juxtaposing this simple circumstance creates a shared cultural meeting point.
At the entrance to the ga...
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