Marissa Roth
- Exposition
Exposition : One person crying : women and war
Marissa Roth is pleased to present "One Person Crying: Women and War" at Venice Arts, Venice, California. The exhibition will be accompanied by a documentary film screening series connecting the themes in Roth’s exhibition with powerful stories of women in three different communities as they confront war and its aftermath. Roth will also be teaching an intensive 2-day photography workshop.
The topic of Women and War has taken photographer Marissa Roth to many countries and cultures over a time span of 29 years. It began in 1984 with a family trip to the former Yugoslavia, home of her Jewish grandparents - who were murdered by Hungarian Fascists in 1942 - and Pakistan in 1988 with an assignment by the Los Angeles Times to photograph Afghan women refugees. Accompanying a medical mission and photographing... - Exposition
« Femmes et guerre » de Marissa Roth au Centre de la mémoire d'Oradour-sur-Glane
Le sujet "Femmes et guerre" a permis à la photographe Marissa Roth de parcourir un certain nombre de pays durant ces trois dernières décennies. Cela a commencé en 1984 lors d'un voyage en famille en ex-Yougoslavie, lieu de résidence de ses grands-parents juifs, assassinés par les fascistes Hongrois en 1942. En 1988, elle est mandatée par le Los Angeles Time pour réaliser un reportage sur les femmes réfugiées Afghannes. En 1999, faisant partie d'une délégation médicale, elle photographie les réfugiés en Albanie et réalise que les effets immédiats et permanents de la guerre sur les femmes sont un thème qui revient constamment dans son travail. L'exposition "Femmes et gu... - Exposition
Marissa Roth « One Person Crying: Women and War »
The topic Women and War has taken photographer Marissa Roth to many countries over a time span of 28 years. It began in 1984 with a family trip to the former Yugoslavia, home of her Jewish grandparents - who were murdered by Hungarian Fascists in 1942 - and in 1988 with a commission by the Los Angeles Times to portray Afghan women refugees. Accompanying a medical mission and photographing refugees in Albania in 1999, she realized that the focus of the immediate and permanent effects of war on women was a recurring theme in her work. In addition to the photographs, the exhibition features the stories of the women portrayed and how the war irrevocably altered their lives.
© Marissa Roth: Hilde Westroem, Survivor of World War II, Berlin, Germany 2008
“This project brought me face to face with h... - Exposition
Exposition de Marissa Roth au Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles
War from a woman’s perspective
ONE PERSON CRYING: Women and War, an exhibition by award winning photojournalist Marissa Roth, is a 28-year, personal global photo essay that addresses the immediate and lingering effects of war on women. Roth states, “In an endeavor to reflect on war from what I consider to be an underreported perspective, the project brought me face to face with hundreds of women who endured and survived war and it’s ancillary experiences of loss, pain and unimaginable hardship.”
The photographer’s journey took her from Novi Sad, Yugoslavia in 1984, to its conclusion in Vietnam in April 2012. The eighty-seven photographs cover twelve conflicts over a twenty-eight year time period, starting with the photographer’s own history as a child of Holocaust refugees...
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