Julia Peirone
- Exposition
Mois de la Photo 2012 : Exposition à l' Institut Suédois
Une nouvelle génération de photographes de mode suédois s’est fait remarquer au-delà de nos frontières, aussi bien par des magazines internationaux que par des institutions et des galeries d’art. Ces photographes explorent et déplacent les limites, créent des ambiances qui nous ensorcellent.
Ces fortes personnalités maîtrisent la différence entre l’intime et le distant. Leur art est un jeu d’équilibre entre la photographie de mode et la photographie d’art, et puise sa source dans l’histoire de l’art et les expériences personnelles.
Ainsi en est-il des photographies hors genres de Denise Grünstein, dans lesquelles l’artiste se déplace avec adresse entre l’univers de ses œuvres artistiques et celui des travaux de commande. Des &o... - Exposition
Gallery f5.6 at The Solo Project
New works by Florian Böhm and Julia Peirone at the Solo Project at St. Jakobshalle Basel from 8th to 14th of June... - Exposition
Julia Peirone - Violet Vertigo
Gallery f 5,6 is pleased to show the latest works from the series Violet Vertigo by Swedish shooting star Julia Peirone. She received the prestigious Swedish state funded London residency IASPIS in 2008, where the photographic based series, a sculptural project and a video piece was created. Violet Vertigo is her second exhibition at the gallery.
Central to Julia Peirone work is the concept of artistic process and its possibility of making this visual for the viewer. Her images are created in a kind of cross-fertilisation or seeming duality between the documentary and the staged, the analogue process of photographing, mixed with a digital process of altering, cutting, adding and collaging together and the process of editing and reducing this to an essence and content. The underlying question in Julia Peirone’s n... - Exposition
Julia Peirone
"My work is often about the world we have inside us confronted with the life we are forced to accept and live with. I like to find small moments where you can find bigger questions. I look for the vibration between the spoken and unspoken." (Julia Peirone) Gallery f5,6 is proud to announce the first solo exhibition in Germany of Julia Peirone (born 1973 in Argentina, grew up in Sweden). Julia Peirone is one of Sweden's shooting stars working in photography and video installation. Her work is a cross- fertilisation of straight documentary photography and arranged photography. By using the computer, Julia Peirone cuts, draws, adds, takes away, backwards and forwards and little by little constructs, destroys, and reconstructs the photographic sense of reality. Important in this process is not the result of t... - Exposition
Galerie f5,6 "Julia Peirone"
Julia Peirone Friday, March 31st 2006 - Saturday, May 27th 2006 ÿ Opening: Thursday, March 30th 2006, 6.30-9 p.m., Ludwigstrae 7 (Odeonsplatz) „My work is often about the world we have inside us confronted with the life we are forced to accept and live with. I like to find small moments where you can find bigger questions. I look for the vibration between the spoken and unspoken.“ (Julia Peirone) Gallery f5,6 is proud to announce the first solo exhibition in Germany of Julia Peirone (born 1973 in Argentina, grew up in Sweden). Julia Peirone is one of Sweden’s shooting stars working in photography and video installation. Her work is a cross- fertilisation of straight documentary photography and arranged photography. By using the computer, Julia Peirone cuts, draws, adds, takes away, backwards and ...
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