Johan Grimonprez
- Exposition
Exhibition : « Gardening » at the Flatland Gallery
Horticultural movements through time have inspired the world of arts in ancient and in modern civilizations, in Eastern and Western societies. Yet in GARDENING, the garden as a subject is secondary or in some cases literally non existing; what is central is the idea of GARDENING as a way it represents a serious contribution to a good life, close to Aristotle's Eudaimonia which implicates living well or happiness as an active virtuous activity instead of a static goal.
The GARDENING exhibition at FLATLAND GALLERY follows different paths of ‘ a good life'.
The idea to live well has been supported by Professor David E. Cooper who wrote ‘A Philosophy of Gardens' (Oxford University Press) in which he addresses why gardens are of such great significance to so many people. Cooper insists that it is... - Exposition
Dial History-Johan Grimonprez at solomon Guggenheim Museum
Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y presents a visual chronology of airplane highjackings, with a soundtrack creating a fictional narrative inspired by Don DeLillo's novels White Noise and Mao II. Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y intersperses reportage, clips from science fiction films, found footage, and reconstituted scenes filmed by the artist, highlighting the spectacle value of disaster in an eerie foreshadowing of 9/11.... - Exposition
Regards Projetés. Aspects de la vidéo contemporaine en Europe.
Au cours de ces dernières années, notre association, apollonia, échanges artistiques européens, a mis en place un projet présentant des oeuvres de vidéastes de plusieurs pays d’Europe. Ce projet s’intitule « Regards projetés ». apollonia oeuvre constamment pour enrichir une collection unique de vidéos qui couvre d’ores et déjà de nombreux pays : Arménie, Georgie, Slovénie, Serbie, Macédoine, Moldavie, Bulgarie, Grèce, Pologne, Chypre, Hongrie, Roumanie, Malte, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Slovaquie, Belgique…
Au fil des rencontres, nous avons tissé d’étroites relations avec des artistes vidéastes et des critiques d’art compétents dans ce domaine. Les...
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