Bech Calmen
- Exposition
Vision devotion revelation
HackelBury Fine Art has brought together practitioners from around the globe who, despite their differing origins and schooling, all explore that fascinating place, or state of mind, that is sometimes just beyond our fingertips’ grasp, at other times so distant as to be barely imaginable. These artists are progressive thinkers, delving into a realm with which philosophers, priests, and quantum physicists alike have grappled for centuries and attempted to explain or rationalise. Viewers who connect with the works in this exhibition will experience an uplifting and enlightening encounter. It is a feeling that transcends the written word, yet here I attempt to illuminate the attributes that make these artists so intriguing.
The desire to capture an ethereal, transcendent world, and to fix it on paper, has occupied ... - Exposition
Calmen & Bech To the ends of our world
Working in collaboration to create captivating and mysterious landscapes, French artists Calmen & Bech consciously retain a sense of anonymity. In their alluring and atmospheric artworks an acknowledgement of time and place is not significant. Instead we are suspended in timeless space: the familiar transcends the everyday and the viewer is introduced to what they describe as 'the ends of our world.'
Firmly grounded in the strength and beauty of nature itself, the photographs of Calmen & Bech recall the Romantic era and the origins of the photographic medium. They revive artistic values first embraced by masters of nineteenth century photography such as Gustave le Gray, and later by the Pictorialists. The silvered waters of a lily pond, the twisted roots of the oak tree, and the lush grasses of a fog-swept fie...
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