Andrea Modica
- Festival
Festival Photo Saint-Germain 2016
Communiqué de presse du festival photo de Saint-Germain
Pour sa 5ème édition, le festival PHOTO SAINT-GERMAIN revient du 4 au 20 novembre 2016. Quinze jours placés sous le signe du parcours, dans une sélection de musées, centres culturels, galeries et librairies de la rive gauche. Expositions mais aussi conférences, projections, signatures et visites d’ateliers rythment la programmation de ce rendez-vous essentiel du mois de novembre.
Le titre du festival, Photo-Saint Germain, m’évoque ce couple du Be Bop en cave, saisi à Saint Germain des prés, par Robert Doisneau, au milieu du XXe siècle. Quelle plus belle image de la liberté et de l’altérité que celle offerte par ces danseurs ? Quelle photographie ... - Festival
The New York Photo Festival 2010
“NYC is the melting pot, the metropolis of the world, and therefore the most natural location for a festival with a mission to bring together global talent that is both timely and critical.”
Jody Quon, curator, NYPH’09
The First International Photography Festival in the United States
Photography, one of the most important visual media of our lives, has been surprisingly uncelebrated, particularly in the United States. New York City, home to the most influential commercial and fine art photography community, has lacked—until now—a large-scale event dedicated to photography. The inaugural New York Photo Festival (May 14–May 18, 2008) delivered a dynamic, high-quality event in what is arguably the photographic capital of the world. This event celebrated both contemporary photography ... - Exposition
Exposition : « Stranger than fiction » d'Andrea Modica
Réalisées à la chambre 20x25 et servies par de somptueux tirages au platine, les images de l’Américaine Andrea Modica (née à Brooklyn en 1960) regorgent de faux-semblants, le réel et la fiction s’y confondant pour nous entraîner dans un monde de mystère, de sensualité et d’onirisme. Adolescente, elle se destinait à la peinture mais la découverte des caméras de grand format d’abord, des épreuves au platine ensuite lui ont fait prendre une autre route et, depuis l’obtention de son Master of Fine Arts de la prestigieuse université de Yale, elle s’est tout entière consacrée à la photographie (et à son enseignement).
Le modus operandi imposé par la lo... - Exposition
About Face
This exhibition will explore the breadth and global diversity of contemporary photographic portraiture since 2000, highlighting recent acquisitions to the museum's permanent collection.
About Face will include works by twenty-nine artists from the United States, England, Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, Iran and South Africa. Though each of these photographers approaches portrait-making differently, certain thematic threads resonate throughout the show, including questions of racial, cultural, ethnic, class and gender identity; the relationship between individuals and typologies; the way photographic processes themselves inform meaning; the relevance of historical precedents to contemporary practice; and the impact of media stereotypes on self-presentation. Considered collectively, the works in About Fa... - Exposition
Tokyo photo 2009 Japan's first art fair dedicated to still photography
TOKYO PHOTO 2009 endeavors to be the foremost art fair of photography in Japan. The venue is located in the heart of international business and culture in Tokyo. To be held from September 4 to 6, Tokyo Photo 2009 will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and buy a wide range of photographic works from vintage prints to cutting-edge digitally enhanced images.
With the support of the US Embassy and in collaboration with the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, Tokyo Photo will mount a special exhibition entitled Photo America. Featuring over 50 historical works spanning the 19th century to the present, Photo America will present a panoramic overview of American photographic expression. Virtually all of the works will be displayed for the first time in Japan.
Lectures and seminars will... - Exposition
Marks of Honour A Striking Library
Marks of Honour - A Striking Library
Marks of Honour is a photo book project and exhibition organised and curated by Nina Poppe and Verena Loewenhaupt.
MoH was conceived in order to reveal the inspiration that a new generation of photographers have gained from the history of photography in the form of books.
13 international photographers were invited to pay artistic tribute to a publication that has been influential to their own work.
All participating works are limited to three copies, each containing the original photo book and its accompanying homage.
The exhibiton MoH/08 displays the variety of inspirational sources and their tributes through a combination of different media.
Marks of Honour is an ongoing project that aims to create a striking library of contemporary photo books.
Catalog: books@...
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