Alexey Alexeev
- Exposition
Reflections of the world - Alexey Alexeev & Dmitry Rubinshteyn
Reflections of a World, une réponse à l’Année France-Russie 2010 avec Dmitry Rubinshteyn et Alexey Alexeev. Deux russes, une sonorité dépaysante, des images atemporelles, des procédés photographiques maîtrisés et des univers étranges, oniriques. Tels sont les ingrédients de l’exposition. Confrontant deux regards irréels et surprenants, Re?ections of a World est aussi l’occasion de réunir deux artistes qui partagent la même passion pour les techniques photographiques anciennes : ambrotypie, cyanotypie, platinotypie, collodion humide... Place aux recettes ancestrales qui font la part belle aux images ! Portraits, paysages et natures mortes af?eurent lentement et nous dévoilent des rêves singulie... - Exposition
St. Petersburg Pictorialism Today
Yard Building Exhibition Hall
The exhibition of contemporary St.Petersburg Pictorial photography is opening in the Yard Building Exhibition Hall of ROSPHOTO State Museum and Exhibition Centre.
The notion of “Pictorial” (“painterly”) photography was first introduced in the late XIX century. Some of the aesthetic principles of composition were borrowed, together with the term itself, from the key work of the English photographer Henry Peach Robinson, “Pictorial Effect in Photography”, published in 1869. Robinson wrote: "Any dodge, trick and conjuration of any kind is open to the photographer's use <…> A great deal can be done and very beautiful pictures made, by a mixture of the real and the artificial in a picture." Photographers enhanced the expres...
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