- « Dar es-Salaam: Injecting drug users facing HIV » - Tanzania - Feb 2013, Sophot.com, Galerie Fait & Cause, Paris, France.
- « No Trespassing » - occupied Palestinian territories - Feb 2011, Galerie Confluences, Paris, France.
- « Asia : Faces and Landscapes » - March 2008, Atelier Gericault, Paris, France.
- « Passages Parisiens » - March 2007, Art Live Gallery, Paris, France.
- Nominated for the 25th Festival du Scoop et du Journalisme d'Angers - 2010 - young reporter (No Trespassing)
- Nominated for the Grand Prix Paris Match du Photoreportage - 2008 - young reporter (Living in Carbon)
- Prize-winner Grand Prix Paris Match du Photoreportage - 2005 - young reporter (Untouchable India)
- Nominated for the Grand Prix Paris Match du Photoreportage - 2003 - young reporter (Spitzberg)
Publications / Clients
La Croix, Elle, Ouest France, Afrique Asie, Interdependances, France 24, I-Tele, terrafemina.com, lavie.fr, lequotidiendumedecin.fr
Médecins du Monde (MdM)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Act-up (NGO)
Children of Asia (NGO)