in between – 60 hours in Rome, is a Zone Attive project in cooperation with the Toscana Photographic Workshop within the context of the Fotografia – Rome’s International Festival for the year 2009.
The objective is to involve 40 photographers to portray over a 60 hour period a certain part of Rome, a specific space within the ancient Roman walls, mainly corresponding to the current circular railway track and the Ring Road, in what is a kind of “city in the middle” including suburbs such as Garbatella, Pigneto Mandrione, Primavalle, Casalbertone. A borderline area between monumental Rome and its outskirts where the city grows and develops among contradictions and opportunities.
in between – 60 hours in Rome calls out for a 60 hours immersion in this milieu, trying to tell how to get in touch and live through some sort of photographic diary. The aim is to tell about oneself through the experience of meeting and exchanging in a noble and uncertain area of our city. What we are looking therefore is neither a reportage, nor a document about other people, but rather a portrait of oneself.
* Participation is open to all those wishing to express belonging or interest in the aforementioned area. There are no restrictions concerning professions, age, or geographical origins.
* Participation requires enrolling (http://www.tpw.it/2009/newsletter/inbetween-iscrizione-tpw.doc ) and sending 10 images representing one’s perspective of a neighbourhood, preferably one’s own. The 10 images chosen must be sent as JPEG, 72 dpi, long side 1600 pixels and entitled: beetween_surname_001.jpg (and so on to 10) and sent to: inbetween@tpw.it
* Technical specifications: both digital and analogue photography is permitted.
* submission must be entered via email before and not after May 20th. Selected photographers will be contacted before and not after May 25th
* The photographers selected will each have to pay €100 (taxes included) each for organisational expenses (information for payment will be provided after selection).
* Those selected will meet for the first time on the morning of Friday May 29th at 10.00 a.m. in Rome (the location will be announced at a later date) and assigned an area to be photographed. Logistic help and suggestions will be provided for each area and provided by a group of project assistants.
* All shooting of photographs must stop by 10 p.m. on Sunday May 31st (for a total of 60 hours).
* All formats may be used, both digital and analogue. What matters is that all material in TIFF at 300 dpi digital files, long side 25 cm should be delivered by 10 a.m. on Thursday June 4th. Material must be loaded on our ftp or delivered on a CD/DVD on the aforementioned time and date.
* The material selected by a jury of experts will be shown on the evening of Saturday June 6th in the Theatre Room at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni or in another location yet to be decided.
* At a later stage a book will be published in cooperation with Blurb www.blurb.com , and sold on-line.
* The FNAC bookshop will be made available for an exhibition at the Rome branch in the Bufalotta district (date and programme to be decided).