L’artiste photographe Mustapha Meskine a remporté le Grand Prix de la National Geographic Society. Le jury a été immédiatement frappé par le travail photographique qui contient de l’énergie et l’excellence technique et artistique. En particulier, lorsque l’événement se passe vite.
La valeur du prix est de 15 000 dollars sous forme d’un voyage stage d’une semaine à New York sous la direction du grand photographe americain John McNelly photographe de la National Geographic et un bon d’achat du matériel photographique d’une valeur de 5000 dollars.
Mustapha Meskine Artiste photographe professionnel d'expérience. Sa carrière photographique, jalonnée par de nombreuses participations à des expositions : (Maroc, Liban, Qatar et pays de Golf, USA, Grande Bretagne). Il a été récompensé par plusieurs prix au niveau national (trois fois en 2004, 2005, 2006) et international : 2005 au Qatar, 2006 nomination as Amateur Photographer of the Year par l’International Society of photographers U.S.A., 2007 choisi comme exhibition winner par NYIP New York U.S.A., 2008 prix IDA Amsterdam, 2008 Grand prix de National geographic Society)
The photographer Mustapha Meskine won the Grand Prize of the National Geographic Society. The jury was immediately struck by the photographic work that contains energy, technical and artistic excellence. Particularly, when the event was happening so quickly. The value of the prize is 15 000 dollars in the form of a travel course of a week in New York under the direction of the great American photographer John McNelly photographer of the National Geographic and a purchase of photographic equipment with a value 5000 dollars.
Mustapha Meskine experienced Professional Artist photographer. His photographic career, punctuated by numerous exhibitions at : (Morocco, Lebanon, Qatar and Golf Country, USA, UK). He was awarded several prizes at national level (three times in 2004, 2005, 2006) and International: 2005 in Qatar, 2006 appointment as Amateur Photographer of the Year by the International Society of photographers USA, 2007 chosen as winner by exhibition NYIP New York USA, 2008 price IDA Amsterdam, 2008 Grand Prix National Geographic Society)